The Generation That Will Not Pass Away...

by undercover 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Undercover, that's exactly what I thought when I saw the news report this weekend. I even made a post about it:

    I found UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown's statement particularly interesting: "The noblest of all the generations has left us, but they will never be forgotten. We say today with still greater force, we will remember them."

    And regarding the 1984 WT cover photo--I would not be surprised if all these folks are now dead. If I recall correctly, the WT doctrine at the time was that the "generation" only included people old enough to recognize what was going on in 1914. If that's the case, then I suspect that the WT chose people who were at least 10 years old in 1914 for that photo. That would put the youngest at age 80 at the time the photo was taken. Fast-forward to today, and that person would be 105. Thus, I suspect they're all dead.

  • undercover

    I missed your thread, OMG...or I could've just posted my thought there...

    Oh well, repetition for emphasis...that's what they taught us at the Ministry School.

  • OnTheWayOut

    My grandparents, all born after 1914, are all dead.

    I occasionally meet a person in their 90's who was born AFTER 1914. I don't recall encountering anyone pre-1914 for about 5 years.

    If statistics could be done, I bet millions living in 1925 still exist, but not many millions. I imagine there are not millions from 1914, certainly not those that were aware of what was going on then.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    SOOOOO EMBARRASING.......I use to shout this doctrine from the rooftops....even now I feel like a horses ass! I hope my "worldly" family has forgotten!

  • civicsi00

    I was going to put the following in a separate thread, but this one seems appropriate:

    I was speaking to my sister this weekend about "the end". She tells me that she feels "the end" is real close. I asked her why and she stated that it was because "the generation of the anointed, the ones that saw 1914, are almost all dead, but some will still be here when the end comes. I heard some sisters talking about it in the restroom, and they kept saying the end was really close, too, because of this."

    I sat there, shocked.

    I said, "You know, that's not what it means. It's not the generation of anointed that saw the events of 1914. Now that text in Matthew 24:34 means any anointed from 1914 forward. So the end could come anytime, whether it be another 100 years or 1000 years. It's not connected to 1914 anymore. They disconnected it in 1995."

    She said, "Are you sure? Is this how you interpret it, or how the magazines state it?" (She knows I no longer attend the KH, and that something is going on with me because I refuse to attend. I can't come out and tell her, "It's all fake!")

    I said, "That's how the magazines state it, and I can show you."

    Well then something else came up and we got distracted. But the fundamental problem I see is that some JW's in her congo are misinterpreting what the WT is teaching (this is happening in one Spanish congregation. An elder also confirmed what she said). This is creating in them a fear that the end is getting closer and closer... even though "the generation" and "1914" are no longer attached at the hip! It's crazy, but sad. I'm still working on my sister, but if I can get through to her about this, then I know it will open up her closed mind.

  • OnTheWayOut

    She said, "Are you sure? Is this how you interpret it, or how the magazines state it?"

    WTS wants two groups of faithful members-

    1. Those that can explain the doctrine as elders and MS's and Pioneers, and accept it no matter what the current "light" is.
    2. Those that don't have a clue and are behind by one or more changes, but sell magazines and/or put money in the box.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Jehovah has given us "new light" on the subject. Don't you get it?

    This only proves how outdated you apostates really are.

  • blondie

    How many people born in 1914 are still alive today?

  • TheOldHippie
  • Trojan-in-Brooklyn

    Sorry, wrong topic....this will be posted at the "Today was day 1 of my district...."

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