The Generation That Will Not Pass Away...

by undercover 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    (Is that Frau Blucher there on the right?)

    Yeah that's right. Make me spew a mouthful of a really good glass of wine all over my monitor.

    Damn funny though.

  • TheMan

    "But witnesses never literally believed that the generation from 1914 would not pass away..." I heard that not too long ago. ...and the erasing of history begins.!!. :) What's sad is even though we have great masterpeices of literature like this as proof - many witnesses in today have no idea, and quite frankly, wouldn't believe it, and never bother to look it up... Crazy.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    All the old fags in that watchtower look like nazis

  • Heaven

    (Is that Frau Blucher there on the right?)

    Man, they all look so frickin' happy! Was life that bad back then? They all have nice clothes on ... and no smiles. Glad I didn't live back then.

    "But witnesses never literally believed that the generation from 1914 would not pass away..." I heard that not too long ago. ...and the erasing of history begins.!!. :) What's sad is even though we have great masterpeices of literature like this as proof -

    They can try to erase it but the evidence will always exist. I say this because they continue to make the same fundamental errors they've always made. They keep creating new proof. And this proof exists if one wishes to look.

    What I find immensely odd is that someone would sign up to this cult and hand over their eternal existence without first checking it out. Just one more thing that always confounded me about the JWs.

  • WTWizard

    That's why they changed "a generation". That way, when the prediction goes bust, they can say that "the generation" is still alive. Of course, what they changed "a generation" to can go to infinity.

  • Bangalore

    If the facts don't support your theory,change the facts - Albert Einstein.


    The "generation change" blew me away..I didn`t know about it until a few years ago..

    Who would have thought the WBT$ could tell everyone,"to just forget about it"?

    The same was done with the 1975 prediction..JW`s don`t remember that either..

    There is no doubt the Jehovah`s Witness religion is a Cult..

    Millions of JW`s can be brain washed ..To forget something they have preached for decades..By the WBT$

    In a heartbeat..


  • isaacaustin

    At the time it happened it only struck me that the WT was nothing special, that they had no special insights and that no one knew when the end was coming so to get on with my life. Years later it hit me as a false prophecy.

  • JWdaughter

    civicsi-I had a very similar conversation with my mom and she shunned me for months. Because I was so hateful(?) to tell her that her religious teachings had changed. Sigh. Good luck with the rest of that conversation.

  • Gayle

    It is so sad how addicted and cemented they are in very old thoughts. No wonder the youth are leaving in droves. They can see it is so senseless and their old folks are so mindless.

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