eugenics anyone?

by ninja 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    True, Psychotic Parrot, but now science is doing the same thing in reverse (hopefully with much less frequency than the selection you described).

    I have multiple major medical problems with a high probability of being passed on to offspring. A gyn offered to help me have a baby anyway. At the time, I was also old enough where age-related birth defects would pose an additional risk. I don't consider that to be an ethical choice by either me or the gyn.

    This is an emotionally-charged issue, no doubt.

    Should scientists have absolute authority on who gets to breed? Probably not, IMHO. Yet I would like to see promotion of a new social norm that voluntarily changes behavior by raising awareness of overpopulation and ethics.

  • passwordprotected

    Should scientists have absolute authority on who gets to breed? Probably not, IMHO.

    Probably not?

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Probably not as in 'possibly yes'.

    And what's wrong with that?

  • passwordprotected

    Probably not as in 'possibly yes'.

    And what's wrong with that?

    What if a scientist decided that possibly or probably you shouldn't be allowed to breed and they sign papers that allow the government to forcibly remove your testicles? You trust scientists that much?

  • mrsjones5

    Wow, folks are acting like Obama's cronies came up with something new. Not! (I'm also not taking anyone's word that this what's being proposed - I'll do my own research and draw my own conclusions).

    People please use your computers and do some research, it really quite easy. The idea of eugenics has been around a long time and unfortunately was in practised in The US for so-called noble reasons that focused on the the feeble minded, the sexual deviant, the poor, and races that were deems inferior.

    It's a sad and ugly history.


  • purplesofa

    Among humans, it's indirectl through the development of culture. Women go for who they percieve as the highest value based on the values dictated by the prevailing culture(s). This is a simplification, because we have many different cultures in our societies: religious, political correctness, counter cultures, different races, sports followers, rock & roll cultures. And so, among the jws, often the females select from the percieved 'spiritual giants'. Rock stars have girls all over them. And so, on. The lower value men, the nerds miss out. That could change, of course, if the media started pushing nerdism as cool.

    The Big Band Theory, those nerds are cool!!!

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Probably not as in 'possibly yes'.

    And what's wrong with that?

    What if a scientist decided that possibly or probably you shouldn't be allowed to breed and they sign papers that allow the government to forcibly remove your testicles? You trust scientists that much?

    It would surprise me if they had to use such an archaic method considering this is the 21st century.

  • cameo-d

    Psychotic Parrot: "It would surprise me if they had to use such an archaic method considering this is the 21st century."

    That's right. There won't be any marriage, family unit or breeding in the New System.

    It will all be done in test tubes. Parents will not be arbitrarily selected by nature to raise children. We have seen ourselves that this method can be a terrible failure.

    Whatever the new population will be like, they will most likely be reared in an institutional setting. They will learn compliancy and obedience from the cradle.

    Most likely it will not be a generation of discontents and rebels.

    It will be like "The Garden" all over again.

    Back to the Future.

    The Kinder Garden.

    A renewal of the earth, a new generation of Adams and Eves. How many millenium will a new slave race exist again?

  • Satanus


    'Big Band Theory,'

    Hahaha. Seen those on tv. The 40's and 50's.


  • Satanus


    Good question. Logic would say that somebody who knows a bunch about genetics, culture, psychology, etc, etc. directing human breeding would be a positive influence on civilization. However, the words HUMAN RIGHTS leap to the silver screen and scream in big bold letters. Establishment jews like eugenics for themselves, but think that everyone else should intermarry. I remember a nreyork times article by a jewish writer lamenting how things jewish were being endangered because jews were marrying nonjews. Political correctness suggests that the whitest people should marry the darkest.


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