eugenics anyone?

by ninja 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    But this is the rub....

    It will be the mindless ones that they wish to a slave force.

    Man was never intended to have this much reasoning capacity. Something happened along the way...perhaps when women mated with the alien/angels and mankind ended up with too much alien DNA!

    God said, "The Man has become like one of us, capable of knowing everything, ranging from good to evil. What if he now should reach out and take fruit from the Tree-of-Life and eat, and live forever? Never—this cannot happen!" (genesis 3: 22)


    The evil ones control by brute force and use the talents of the genuises to an evil purpose. This has happened over and over and over. Through milleniums and all past civilizations. And we are coming to a time when most of civilization will be annhiliated and history will be re-written.

  • Satanus

    Eugenics is all around us, on farms and stockyards, in horse paddocks, among the birds around our homes, among the fish in the rivers. It's been at work for thousands of yrs.


  • cameo-d

    Satanus, yes that is right.

    The Book of Enoch gives us clear information that this is part of the alien/angels agenda.

    In the beginning they taught women how to divide plants and the secrets of propogation.

    Later, Jacob made a deal (covenant) with them. In exchange for him allowing alien experimentation on his children, he was taught genetic information of breeding good stock. The scriptures illustrate this in the breeding deals he had with his father-in-law and how he wound up with the best sheep to his FIL's bewilderment.

    Yes, we were created, but we have been genetically culled all along for a certain "evolutionary" process.

  • cameo-d
  • passwordprotected

    Eugenics is all around us, on farms and stockyards, in horse paddocks, among the birds around our homes, among the fish in the rivers. It's been at work for thousands of yrs.

    Among humans?

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    You could argue that sexual selection is a form of eugenics, albeit natural & unplanned.

    People are less likely to want to have sex with someone who is mentally disabled, thus we are using sexual selection (eugenics) to keep their numbers lower. If everyone found mentally disabled peope attractive, then after a while the world would be made up entirely of mentally disabled people.

  • Satanus

    'Among humans?'

    In wild animals, the females generally select who they will mate w. They generally select the percieved highest value male available. For instance, among grouse, the males establish a spot where they dance and strutt their stuff. The best dancer w the most stamina is in the middle. The periferal males also do their best. Most of the female grouse come, one by one, making their way through the maze of inferior males to get serviced by the alpha in the middle.

    Among humans, it's indirectl through the development of culture. Women go for who they percieve as the highest value based on the values dictated by the prevailing culture(s). This is a simplification, because we have many different cultures in our societies: religious, political correctness, counter cultures, different races, sports followers, rock & roll cultures. And so, among the jws, often the females select from the percieved 'spiritual giants'. Rock stars have girls all over them. And so, on. The lower value men, the nerds miss out. That could change, of course, if the media started pushing nerdism as cool.


  • rebel8

    Here is Holdren's current POV and statements regarding Ecoscience:

  • Yizuman

    Here we go again, those that forgets the past are forever condemned to repeat it.


  • passwordprotected

    So if it indirectly happens among humans, should scientists take a more pro-active role in the process and make it a little less indirect? In other words, should the breeding be directed by scientists?

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