eugenics anyone?

by ninja 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    :And who do the Government get advice from on how to determine who lives or who dies? Scientists.'s time to roll out the Hitler reference....

    And your argument is? Are you posulating the government has a good "reason" for its decisions because scientists know better than anyone else what is good for our society?

    The government produced scientists to justify global warming. Opponents produced scientists to refute it. No doubt there are scientists who believe the earth is flat. Paul Ehrlich is a scientist. Case closed.

    "If you don't like these scientists of mine, I have other scientists." (Apologies to Groucho Marx)


  • passwordprotected

    My point is, who says scientists know best about these matters of life or death?

  • Yizuman

    Laugh all you want PP,

    Our government laughed when they first heard of concentration camps and the extermination of Jews, the mentally ill, the deaf, those that does not fit the bill as in "perfect health." back in mid year of 1942.

    The press laughed when they saw pictures of dead bodies of Jews and called them "doctored photos" Some stories ended up in the back page of the newspapers.

    It wasn't until after the discovery and liberations of these death camps in 1945 that they weren't laughing anymore when they realized that these so called "rumors" was actually real.

    Oh wait, you don't believe that 6 million Jews plus 4 million non-Jews was murdered under Hitler's Final Solution do you?


  • passwordprotected

    Excuse me, but I'm not laughing at this. I'm laughing at those who are happy to place this amount of power on the opinions of scientists. You seem to be missing my point....

    Fritz Haber was a Nobel Prize winning scientist who's science is still felt powerfully today; he saved millions from starvation. However, when WWI broke out he helped develop and perfect chemical warfare.

    Was Haber purely interested in the well being of other human beings, or was SCIENCE the absolute power in his life?

    So, eugenics and this whole business of deciding who lives and who dies...scientists are playing a massive role in advising governments on how to implement it.

    Do we really trust scientists that much??

  • Yizuman
  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Eugenics means literally, good genes. What proponents state is that it is the effort to improve the human gene pool. What is not said is the implicit mode of operation of reducing those who are considered to have “poor genes.”

    In 1931, Vermont passed eugenics legislation where illiterates, thieves, the insane, Abenaki Indians, paupers, alcoholics, epileptics, and anyone who seemed inferior due to their economic or physical conditions were targeted for forced sterilization to prevent ‘undesirables’ from breeding. These laws were not repealed until 1973. During this time, most other states had similar laws.

    Prominent people such as Peter Singer and Richard Dawkins have spoken in support of eugenics. It is quite disturbing that O would annoint such a crack-pot “science czar”.

  • passwordprotected

    Bill Gates donates huges sums of money to what was once Planned Parenting. 'Sall about the eugenics.

  • ninja

    bill gate's father was head of planned parenthood.....just a coincidence though

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Planned parenthod has gotten alot of bad press but I honestly think it wasn't about eugenics. I'm not for full blown state imposed eugenics programs because I'm a very poor specimen myself. But if couples, on their own, want to subject their gametes to screening to see how their pairing might result in certain genetic defects, then its their conscience on what they want to do with that info.

  • cameo-d

    So here's the question:

    Is genius genetic...or is it desire and opportunity?

    Do we all have that potential?

    And as far as hereditary should be far enough advanced to correct those things. If they can clone...they should be able to work on these existing problems.

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