Inability to take hints
by rebel8 68 Replies latest jw friends
Make up your mind guys, are they (according to you) bullies dragging people out of their houses making them listen to the message with bible held to their throats or they are having a break with friends on a sunny day sending 2 for a obligatory call on a few doors not really waiting for answers then going back for tea and biscuits at someone's house?
You really need to keep your generalisations straight!!!
pssssssssssssst! We are not members of the Borg Collective. We have differing views on things.
The fact that you said that should reveal a startling truth to you about your cult thinking on oneness of mind.
Use this as an opportunity to think think think about yourself.....
Mad Dawg
Ren and her false dichotomies. It appears that Ren is exhibit #1 in regards to the OP.
White Dove
Shut up, guys. You are feeding into R's highjack.
By the way JW's used to be taught to put their feet in doors, of course they have a problem with hints and subtleties. Oh, the arguments I had to put up watching when going out with old people.
Funny, I was thinking that Reniaa should be the "mascot" for this thread,
Make up your mind guys, are they (according to you) bullies dragging people out of their houses making them listen to the message with bible held to their throats or they are having a break with friends on a sunny day sending 2 for a obligatory call on a few doors not really waiting for answers then going back for tea and biscuits at someone's house?
You really need to keep your generalisations straight!!!
If you got off your Ass..
Did the same hard work,most Real Jehovah`s Witness`s do..Like Field Service..
You would find out both statements are true..
Difficulties in taking hints bedevils lots of people and is no respecter of religious beliefs. Sometimes people in fact realize a hint is being made that their listener isn't interested but they persist because sometimes it actually works. Look at sales people" with their soft sell.
Didn't anybody listen I suggested that all you have to do is ignore Reniaa and it will go away, Just like my dogs shit in the field across the street. It really works
Reniaa said:
Make up your mind guys, are they (according to you) bullies dragging people out of their houses making them listen to the message with bible held to their throats or they are having a break with friends on a sunny day sending 2 for a obligatory call on a few doors not really waiting for answers then going back for tea and biscuits at someone's house?
You really need to keep your generalisations straight!!!
My reply: They seem to be pone extreme or the other...mostly the latter. You are one to talk about keeping ones generalizations straight!