Hypothetically, If Someone Created a Fake Congregation to Trick Another...

by OnTheWayOut 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • reniaa

    HI jeff

    I come here to debate, I do not incite action outside of this forum or enable it. You give me a load of self-justifying rhetoric for people using this forum as an enabler to do deliberate Real actions against the Jw's and this is beyond comfort. This then be honest is setting yourself up in opposition and declaring War with the Jehovah's witnesses. You are making a religion out of being ex-Jw's.


  • isaacaustin

    no Reniaa, the JWs have made themself a hate group against those who leave. They teach hatred and require it of their members...this being an integral part of their relgion. Perhaps AlltimeJeff's comments are unsettling to you- that is because you are a captive to the cult.

  • winstonchurchill

    After reading the preceding posts I wish life gives me the opportunity to have a conversation with Jeff while quaffing some beers. I have the feling we would be good friends.

  • tresdecu

    vinny and besty, don't know why that had to go on for so long. I respect both of your positions and experience in the borg. Like was stated, we're all on the same side. It was painful and entertaining all at the same time.

    vinny, what congo were you in on kauai? Just curious. I visited there a long time ago, and went to a sunday meeting in Kapaa. Just wondering if you were there, it was back in 98 I think.

    Reniaa - why the he%^ are you still here. wouldn't you time be better spent out in field service. do you count time when you post?

    Why do people such as Iloowy get banned, and crazy people like reniaa keep posting?

    Why does work suck?

    What is the meaning of life?

  • tresdecu

    Winston...a long time ago I started a thread "top 5 posters you'd wanna have a beer with"

    I'll add you to my list,....an xCO, that would be worth a few pitchers

  • isaacaustin


    YOU ASKED:Reniaa - why the he%^ are you still here. wouldn't you time be better spent out in field service. do you count time when you post?

    My reply: Reniaa is not a JW...she is a wannabe JW who never made it. By the org's own standards, that Reniaa claims to be a supporter of Reniaa is an apostate.

  • AllTimeJeff
    I come here to debate, I do not incite action outside of this forum or enable it.

    Then you are hopelessly a fool. Even if I disagree with someone, I know when my words cause a bit of distress. I simply don't believe you. "What you do screams so loud I cannot hear what you say."

    You give me a load of self-justifying rhetoric for people using this forum as an enabler to do deliberate Real actions against the Jw's and this is beyond comfort.

    Whatever. What real actions are "we" doing against JW's? Getting together for the one thing we have in common to comfort one another, complain and share notes?

    This forum isn't an enabler. Frankly, most people here are stuck, and they come here to get un-stuck.

    This then be honest is setting yourself up in opposition and declaring War with the Jehovah's witnesses. You are making a religion out of being ex-Jw's.

    War with JW's? Huh? Not true. If your family was ripped away, if you were prevented from going to college, if you were tricked into putting off a family, marriage, etc, because "Armageddon is right around the corner", then you would be angry. And that is what we read here, anger for having been tricked, lied to, manipulated, used, then spit out.

    There is no ex JW religion. I won't dignify that horse sh*t with a further response.

  • isaacaustin

    the WT itself refutes that there is a exJW relgion...by constantly using as a 'reasoning point' the question: "If the apostates have the truth why don't they go out and form their own religion?'

  • AllTimeJeff
    After reading the preceding posts I wish life gives me the opportunity to have a conversation with Jeff while quaffing some beers. I have the feling we would be good friends.

    Sounds good!

  • besty

    @ Vinny

    If you don't grasp by now that I'm not a supporter of fake reinstatements per se I guess you never will :-( Thats why I haven't felt any need whatsoever to refute the good or bad points you make. What you have put your name to is permanently on the Internet for other people to guess your motivations and to glimpse your personality. Some have already commented on what they see ;-)

    I am a supporter of allowing almost all ideas to live or die on their own merits. I am a supporter of using the wisdom of the crowds to make the best possible strategies visible to a wider audience than JWN alone can reach. I am a supporter of not being dogmatic, opinionated and condescending. And I am a supporter of allowing people the dignity to come to their own informed conclusion as to what will work for them.

    I hope our little tête-à-tête gave JWN readers as much pleasure as it gave me.

    Keep smiling people - the WTS are f**king up another 192 families today - we need all the ideas we can get to help them. All the posters on this thread have made a valuable contribution to the idea machine.

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