Hypothetically, If Someone Created a Fake Congregation to Trick Another...

by OnTheWayOut 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freedomisntfree

    This is inspiring !!!!!!!!!!!! lets all get our records back and burn them!

  • besty

    the initial value in sites like JWN and freeminds and jwfacts is allowing the world of new options and information to unfold before the eyes of vulnerable JW's

    this thread will take its place in that supermarket of choices

    there is no thought control on JWN - people can ingest information and make their own mind up

  • OnTheWayOut

    freedomisntfree, thanks for joining the discussions. Welcome to the board.

    I would love to burn my records and just deny I was ever there.

  • freedomisntfree

    Thanks on the way ive really enjoyed the topics youve been posting.About the records ive been thinking about it alot latl and what do you think the legel precident would be on that kind of thing.I want my past back I dont think anyone short of the police should have a record of my adolescent indescretions.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Freedomisntfree, any lawyer will consider taking any case if there is enough money in it. You could ask a lawyer to request your records.
    The likelihood is that WTS lawyers won't want to set a precident and hand them over. It may be just cheaper to walk away and forget about it.

    If it makes you feel any better, the elders will gossip about what they know but will seldom if ever look at old records. They won't be bothering to read it, it is just buried and forgotten in a file. The only talk about you they might be having has nothing to do with what's on those records.

    But get a legal situation stirred, they will read it, they will gossip about it. All will know your business- kind of opposite of what you want even if you actually got the record.

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    I would like to confess that one of my watchtower related fantasies is to somehow steal the entire file cabinet from the kingdom hall. I had no idea there were so many others out there thinking about weird conspiracy theories. Hell, I would just like to read and see what has been recorded about me. Can you imagine the horror of discovering all that precious info gone.......Of course then you would have the internal conflict of wanting to read all the files..which would be bad.

    I cannot believe I read this whole thread. It was very entertaining. I would like to be in on that beer that you guys are planning. I haven't been anything official(ie. ms or co) because I am a mere women. However I have been in some interesting social circles...and I really like beer.

  • freedomisntfree

    its funny you should say that twinkle toes i was just plotting last night how to get the cabinent out the back fire exsist door of my childhood hall.....it just might work.It would be hard to not read them all tho to much temptation.

  • Vinny

    Dear Freedomsintfree, what OnTheWayOut said is exactly what I thought too. You stir up more problems by making a deal out of it at all. I was an elder for several years and let me tell you, I not once went looking at other's publisher cards. Too busy, didn't care, felt like I would have been snooping etc. I'd suggest letting it go. You'll just draw more attention to the very things you don't want them having, IMO.

    Hey Twinkle toes and Freedomisntfree (and anybody else): Come on over and join us!!!

    Lot's of cold ones here. Though Jeff likes a beer called Labatt I never tried yet. Maybe I should. Hey Jeff is it any good?


  • sammielee24

    One of the most interesting things about all this discussion involving 'cards' and files and information on members, is that there is even a file of personal information and cards that a religion has that isn't your own. I had a membership once or twice at a health club I paid a fee to use but the very notion of a religion keeping files on people is pretty ridiculous - I attended a few churches over the years but there were no records kept on me, I wonder how many religions actually do track people or keep files on them? sammieswife

  • sammielee24

    I haven't followed all the original threads etc having been away for a bit, however, although this would appear to be just tossing ideas around for feedback, I think the outcome depends on a lot of things.

    For example, people move around a lot. If a df'd person left the UK to take up residence in Spain and work there, what would stop him from using a fake reinstatement from another country? It is extremely common for people to move for jobs across Europe or from Mexico to the USA, so how difficult would it really be to fake reinstatement across country lines?

    I also chuckled at the comment someone made about people caring enough about the df'd person to actually contact them to find out how they are doing. Every df'd person I've met hasn't had anyone care enough to do that so that would be the minority...now, if the WTS hadn't and wasn't pushing for more distance between df'd people and families or friends, then perhaps that would be a different matter, but the way it stands now, a df'd person is dead so for most of them, contact is nil.


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