Nah sorry don't get it!
JFK Assasination....I realize now there was no Conspiracy Jack Ruby was mentally ill.
by Witness 007 58 Replies latest jw experiences
Big Tex
Leolaia it is a gun! the driver shoots JFK in the front of his head! Did you watch it!
This is impossible. No video shows this happening, nor does the exit wound. Additionally the witnesses and the motorcyle cop both reported seeing blood and brain matter flying to Kennedy's left side.
No credible conspiracy theorist has ever believed the limo driver fired a shot.
So is that man's scalp a Beretta or a Smith & Wesson?
The Almighty Homer
With all of the analysis by the multitudes of law enforcement agencies over the past decades of this video,
do you think someone would have picked that up by now.
Get serious or maybe a life !
The JFK murder still baffles me. I found Posner's book to be excellent but Waldron's book raises a number of points I found surprizing.
I now understand that the Secret Service knew about two possible attempts to kill the President in November before Dallas. I think most books miss what should be obvious, if a conspiracy existed:
Organized crime had more motive, more means to do it and more expertise to pull it off than anyone else. Lots of people hated the Kennedys but only this group stands out way ahead of the others. Some other points:
How do you disguise the origins of an assassination? First, you get your agents to mix up the potential testimony. This is what apparently was done with Mehmet Ali Aja, the guy who tried to kill the Pope. You train the guy to offer several different stories so that none of them can be considered credible. You arrange events to create ambiguity. Was Oswald a communist? A CIA stooge? Pro Castro? Associated with Anti-Castro men? And Ruby.... was he crazy? Working on an insanity plea? Both? (!!)
Let's add to this confusion the fact that some people can live utterly contradictory lives. We've had two Governing Body members that were gay, among many others, prominent in Watchtower history. You think it gets any clearer in the world in clandestine activity or organized crime? You could have Oswald playing both sides of the street while it all feeds his twisted ego.
Norman Mailer pointed out that even if Oswald wasn't part of a conspiracy, that doesn't mean his killing by Ruby wasn't. In the shadowy criminal world, he might have been seen as a danger, part of some plot gone wrong.
Did Hoover know much more than he revealed? Was he 'on the take' or compromised by the Cosa Nostra due to his personal life? (You can bribe people secretly by fixing horse races. Then you just drop a hint about what horse looks good). Why did he deny that the 'Mafia' existed?.
On the other hand, how many people have actually visited the grassy knoll? When I first went there, I was utterly shocked at how small the area is. Just go there yourself and try to imagine how somebody else could be shooting Kennedy!!
I understand that regardless of Oswald's shooting ability, that gun has a tendency to jam when the Discovery channel tested it.
Logic tells me that Posner is right but intuition tells me that it was a 'hit'.
I'm still conflicted.
Ok bad move coming in here sorry!... getting a life now!
What about the asassins of Robert Kennedy and his other family members were they also all mentally ill.Geezz the Kennedys were the most unlucky family ever.
Big Tex
RFK's murder intrigues me. I've read reports that 14 shots were fired with Sirhan's gun only having 8 (9?) bullets. I've also read that the fatal wound entered behind Kennedy's ear whilst Sirhan was always facing him.
However, after discovering that "facts" conspiracy theorists have put forth turned out to be untrue, I'm taking what I read with a grain of salt.
Hi Big Tex,
I think you misssed my question, which was, "was Oswald that good a shot"?
Never really put much into the JFK assasination thing, never cared enough to study it, but I was a Sniper in the Canadian Army from 94-98, so curious in that regard.
"was Oswald that good a shot"?
The original Warren Commission Report fouled up the timeframe for the three shots.
In reality, Oswald had between 8.4 and 11.2 seconds to fire the three shots. For someone familiar with the operation of the Carcano rifle, this would not have been extremely difficult.
The article below discusses the issue of HOW MUCH TIME Oswald had to fire the three shots. (The first shot missed.)