What Religion Are You?

by homeschool 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Was a Christian but am finding it harder and harder to believe in God after the total shit-assed year I've had. I know there are people who have it worse, but I'm just tired of nothing ever going right, and of having to watch yet another family member probably die before the end of this year at far too young an age.

    Where is God in all this? Why would he let people suffer over and over and over and over again? Because two people ate a frigging piece of fruit 6,000 years ago when they weren't supposed to? Give me a break.

  • BurnTheShips


  • ICBehindtheCurtain
  • shamus100


  • Yizuman

    Just a plain ol' Christian.

    Jesus is neither a baptist or penticostal or any of those denominations.

    I just follow after Jesus' words.


  • Yizuman

    Where is God in all this? Why would he let people suffer over and over and over and over again? Because two people ate a frigging piece of fruit 6,000 years ago when they weren't supposed to? Give me a break.

    What about us? Where does our responsibility lie when it comes to ALL OF US looking out for one another? Too bad too many people don't care. We're all accountable for our actions and inactions.

    If you're asking God to intervene, then you're asking God to destroy free will.

    It's a cop out to blame God for everything bad that happens and forsake responsibilities from within ourselves.


  • PSacramento

    Its a very good question, when all is said and done.

    I don't do the label thing myself, but if I had, it would be tricky:

    I am not:

    Roman catholic - Do not recgnize the authority of the pope or agree on the Trinity.

    Protestant ( all versions) - Don't agree with the Trinity

    Actually, pretty much any denomination that agrees with the Trinity as a DOCTRINE, I don't agree, to me it is simply an interpretation of the relationship between God, Jesus and the HS.

    I am NOT a JW's - too many reasons to list

    Not an orhotdox christian either....

    I am, ( YWHW pun un-intended) simple a Christian, someone who believes in One God, His only divine Son through whom all comes and all is possible, The HS that is the messenger and teacher of The Father, through the Son.

    I view the Bible as inspired and historical and that it must be studied and viewed with a critical eye.

    Don't know WTF that makes me, LOL !

  • Chalam

    Hello homeschool,

    So nobody feels like they should go to a church, and that its okay to simply have Christ in your heart? Doesnt anybody to go church for the social aspect?

    I go to church and I believe it is fundamental to being a Christian. However, I understand those here who are not in a rush to join a church after their experiences at the hands of the WT.

    Remember the church is not a building but the body of believers. Also, there is one church, many tribes, tongues etc.

    This is the flavor I am part of

    Newfrontiers – A Worldwide Family of Churches Together on a Mission

    All the best,


  • PSacramento

    I think that church, for some, is crucial in getting close to God, but the truth be it saod, formost its more about the social gathering than God.

    I have never been a big fan of "mass religion", "mass prayer", "mass celebrations", etc.

    I think that many times the church becomes the stumbling block for the valid issue we see in our choosen faith, we see them, we want to raise the questions but have concerns about not being part of the social "church family" that we have come to identify ourselves with.

    I take Matthew to heart, "Wherever two or more speak of me, I wil be there", "Pray not in public, but in a closet".

  • RR

    Christian (Bible Student)

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