A Salute to the Kids of Dubdom

by Room 215 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mum

    Excellent thought, Room215. What I regret most about having been a JW is what I put my daughter through. In kindergarten, she told us straight out, "I wished we celebrate." We asked her why, and she said, "Santa Claus brings you a lot of toys." We replied, "There is no Santa Claus, so, you see, that's not true."

    I left the JW's after she finished first grade, but celebrations were not all joy because she would have to face her JW dad and he would give both of us all manner of h*** if he suspected we had any enjoyment out of life.

    Here's to all of those JW kids enduring the pain of isolation and confusion at this time of year. We love you all!

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • YoYoMama

    RunningMan said:

    Yoyo, you are a complete moron. I grew up as a Witness kid, and
    unfortunately, my kids are growing up as (partial) Witness kids. The
    two week vacation is insignificant.
    I grew up as a Witness kid, and I had the courage to stand up for my beliefs. I guess you were a wimp, moron.
  • NameWithheld

    Whatever yoyobrain, many of us here were also JW kids and gre up 'defending our beleifs' just like you did. You get no special merit badge from us here for that.

    Yes, it takes courage for these kids to do this. The sad thing is, they (espcially the little ones) are doing so simply because mom and dad told them to. They have no idea why they can't just the ambigous 'god hates Christmas' crap. When pressed as to why, that's the 'couragous defense' a) god hates it, and b) mom and dad said so.

    All the while, in the back of their head they are asking themselves 'what's really so wrong with this?' or more likely just being a kid and really wanting to join in with their freind in the fun times being had.

  • Billygoat


    What always amazes me is the compassion and kindness that Christ showed to others around him. There is only one time, that I can remember, where he showed any frustration or anger and that was with the Pharisees. Even with Judas about to betray him, his words to dismiss him were kind and compassionate. Never harsh or proud. He never said, "Look how good I am you moron."


  • YoYoMama

    Billygoat: let me get this straight, it is o.k. for "NameWithheld" to call me a moron, but I get a lecture from you for calling him a moron?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Yo Yo,

    Standing up for your beliefs as a kid is admirable Yo Yo, provided they were indeed YOUR beliefs.

  • Simon

    I remember the "hell" of growing up a witness kid and being singled out, now able to join in etc ... and quoting the things I'd been told to say: "but we get presents all year round" and other such hogwash.

    There is a little JW girl in Liams class who is always missing from the Christmas related activities. It is such a shame. I believe it really can damage their start in school life which is one of the most important times.

    Liam had trouble settling in because of his hearing but being able to join in has really helped him and he has thoroughly enjoyed himself. I am glad I am not huting his development by forcing a half-baked belief system on him.

  • NameWithheld

    Yoyo, I have yet to call you a moron, but you're working on it. I have called you an ass however, but I mantain that I was simply pointing out your true nature ...

  • Billygoat


    If you are a JW, then you must know that JW's hold themselves to a higher standard than the rest of the world. Doesn't the bible teach you to turn the other cheek? I'm always surprised to see people that claim to be true Christians do exactly the opposite of what they teach about the bible. I'm truly not trying to preach to you. Just bring something to your attention that you might not realize.

    I know it's cliche, but it comes in handy for me when I want to strik out...ask yourself...what would Jesus do?


  • RunningMan

    I would like to clear something up. It was not Namewithheld who
    called Yoyo a moron. It was me. I want the credit.

    Actually, based on your comments, the label of "moron" is not really
    necessary - it is stating the obvious.

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