Is God's name absent in the Christian Scriptures?

by Spike Tassel 163 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lurk3r

    Isaacaustin - You could well be the most patient man I have ever known.

    Post Armageddon,Post Ressurection discussion.

    Isaacaustin - Job! Good to see you! How did you manage!? How did you endure?! Please, tell me!!

    Job - Me?! HA! Isaac, never mind me and my boring stories! How did YOU do it?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    lurk3r: I try to be an example of patient endurance myself. Practice. Slip. Practice. Flip. Practice. Practice. Practice.

    I suggest, OTWO, that if any writing is ambiguous, it tests one's spirituality. As one grows in spirituality, the understanding of writing's intent may likewise change.

  • PSacramento

    SOmetimes we have to deal with what we have and what we have is no mention of the tetragrammaton in the NT, regardless of SPECULATION that it could have been removed, there is no evidence of that and I fo rone don't wanna put the NT into question by speculating that something as crucial (for some) as the Name of God was removed, for if we go down that path we can only speculate about what else was removed...

    That said, Jesus was clear in how he taught us to Pray and how HE prayed and what "name" he Used, ie: Father.

    Truly, based on that, calling our God Father is certainly good enough for me.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I suggest, OTWO, that if any writing is ambiguous, it tests one's spirituality. As one grows in spirituality, the understanding of writing's intent may likewise change.

    Works good for WTS, doesn't it? They "grow in spirituality" whenever they flipflop or change doctrines.
    Break out of your WT-thinking and think for yourself then. Feel free to grow in spirituality by thinking for yourself.
    It's obvious that you believe the 70-days is as WTS says it is, even though Bible-scoffers and Christians alike can tell how it applies differently.
    It's obvious that you support "Jehovah" in the scriptures because WTS put it there, despite the clear evidence that it never was there.
    Finding obscure support for WTS doctrine from outside scholars is not difficult, but don't ignore the vast throngs that say differently if you are going to do that.

    It's wonderful that you can break the WTS rules and post here. It's a grand step toward deciding matters for yourself instead of just going along with WTS.

    This is a silly argument. "Jehovah" or any version of the tetragrammaton is not in the original Greek scriptures. It was not there. Whether God inspired the writing or if men wrote it, it simply wasn't there. To question the "intent" of the writer is just academic. It doesn't matter if one says the "intent" of Matthew was this or another says the "intent" of God was that and a third says the author was not either of them. At the end of our debates, it still was never there. NEVER.

  • Chalam

    No, it is present in the name of Jesus.

    I agree!

    Ephesians 1:19-21 (English Standard Version)

    19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might 20 that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.

    Only God could have a name of such importance. All the best, Stephen

  • cabasilas


    Is there a verse in the Christian Scriptures where Jesus utters the name of God in a prayer?

  • aniron

    I often think about when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray in Matthew 6.

    A great opportunity to show them to use the name Jehovah.

    What does He do he says "Our Father..." not once in that prayer does He use Gods name or say anything about using it when praying.

    If it was so important to use as the JWs say why didn't jesus take that moment to teach them its importance in prayer?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Another major way that Jehovah's name remains in the NT is in the names of the prophets whose names contain the nickname of Jehovah, Jah, such as Isaiah, Jesus, and various others. Just because the broad way has removed Jehovah's name when quoting from the OT, this doesn't mean that the narrow way is wrong by restoring Jehovah's name to its proper place.

  • cabasilas


    Is there a verse in the Christian Scriptures where Jesus utters the name of God in a prayer?

  • isaacaustin

    WT vassal:

    Another major way that Jehovah's name remains in the NT is in the names of the prophets whose names contain the nickname of Jehovah, Jah, such as Isaiah, Jesus, and various others. Just because the broad way has removed Jehovah's name when quoting from the OT, this doesn't mean that the narrow way is wrong by restoring Jehovah's name to its proper place.

    My reply:

    except your 'broad way' that supposes the Divine name has been removed from the NT is nothing more than conjecture and baseless assertion...absolutely nothing corroberates this WT assertion.

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