Bethel tells us not to build a new Hall since no more Bookstudy! Takes our $147,000!!!

by Witness 007 43 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    No I gave enough.

  • slimboyfat

    Donating money was the first thing I stopped when my doubts about the Witnesses began. Stopping ministry, talks, comments, meetings and all that came later.

    Us Scots got our priorities you know. Since the first hint this wasn't the truth my wallet stayed firmly in my breeks.

  • Bangalore

    From the book publishing business they seem to have diversified in real estate business. What next?


  • Finally-Free

    In the early 1990s they were going to build a new assembly hall here for an estimated cost of $6M. There was a huge campaign to collect money for it. Once they collected over $3M they abandoned the project, but were kind enough to re-cover our chairs and put in a new carpet. I was really glad I didn't donate anything.


  • blondie

    FF, what happened to the $3M? Did they donate it to the WTS? Who decided that? Any votes? Do they pass resolutions in congregations any more for special expenditures of money?

    *** km 8/03 p. 5 par. 11 Let Us Keep Our Place of Worship in Good Repair ***If it is determined that extensive maintenance or renovation will be necessary or that help will be needed from outside the congregation(s) meeting at that Kingdom Hall, the elders contact the Regional Building Committee. These qualified, experienced brothers provide helpful suggestions and oversight in directing the work. If a major expense is involved, it will be necessary to obtain accurate cost estimates and prepare a resolution for congregation approval.—See the February 1994 OurKingdomMinistry Question Box.

    *** km 2/94 p. 2 Question Box ***

    What procedure should be followed when presenting resolutions to the congregation?A resolution is required when a decision must be made about important matters such as purchasing property, remodeling or building a Kingdom Hall, sending special contributions to the Society, or caring for the circuit overseer’s expenses. It is usually best to present a resolution for approval each time congregation funds are dispensed.

    As an exception, the congregation might resolve once to contribute a specific amount each month to the Society in addition to what each individual is contributing toward the worldwide preaching work already. Also, normal Kingdom Hall operating expenses, such as utilities and cleaning supplies, do not require a resolution.

    When a need becomes evident, the body of elders should discuss the matter thoroughly. If the majority are in agreement that something needs to be done, one of the elders, perhaps a member of the Congregation Service Committee, should prepare a written resolution for presentation at the Service Meeting.

    The elder acting as chairman should briefly but clearly explain the need that exists and what the body of elders recommends to care for it. The congregation is then given opportunity to ask pertinent questions. If the matter is complicated, it may be best to delay the vote until the next Service Meeting to give everyone time to think about it. The actual vote is taken by a show of hands.

    Voting on the resolution is limited to dedicated and baptized members of the congregation unless legal requirements direct otherwise, as may be the case when corporation matters or Kingdom Hall loans are involved. It would not be appropriate for visitors from other congregations to participate.

    After the resolution has been approved, it should be dated, signed, and placed in the congregation file.

  • Finally-Free

    FF, what happened to the $3M? Did they donate it to the WTS? Who decided that? Any votes? Do they pass resolutions in congregations any more for special expenditures of money?

    It was a while back, so my memory might fail me a bit, but I think the money was used to renovate existing assembly halls. I don't know who made the decision, but it certainly wasn't on the congregation level. Unless, of course, a "resolution" was read and everyone voted. But we all know those "resolutions" were just for show. By that time I was abstaining, and barely listening to what was being read.

    What really stands out in my mind was when we had the District Overseer, Dick Towes, over to my home for dinner while the funds were still being raised. He was complaining bitterly that the brothers weren't donating money quickly enough for the project. I reminded him that we were in a recession, and many brothers were out of work and just struggling to feed themselves. He didn't buy that as an excuse, and that's when I realized that these "full time servants" really had no clue about real world problems.


  • shamus100

    They're a cult, so it shouldn't matter that they took the kingdumb halls money. It's further evidence what Jehover wants...

    Don't they have to pass a reolution to do that, or does the GB just take it now? My, how things change....

  • OnTheWayOut

    I could guess what happened to the $3 Million that FF mentioned. Renovation costs were exaggerated to eat it up, that way the dubs could see it disappear.

    007, while I agree with your total assessment in the initial post, I also agree with WTS that they won't need another KH in the area. They smell the future for the area- numbers will go down. What seems like crowding now will be remembered as "the good old days when you couldn't get a seat here."

    It's just a shame that in such a time of money-troubles, they couldn't just bank the money and tell the crowded KH that the members can focus on personal finances for awhile as donations already received can cover expenses for a bit.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Maybe the no bookstudy rule was made so less meetings...less Halls being built...less $$$$$ put in....we were robbed by friggin Bethel!

  • OnTheWayOut

    The "no bookstudy" thing was analyzed to death here on JWN. More room at the hall was one of the reasons. Five weeknights means an ability to accomodate 5 congregations in a single hall. There was always supposed to be a provision for DF'ed ones to go to the KH bookstudy. Now, that's just the regular weeknight meeting, so no need for an additional evening where the auditorium is empty.

    I certainly assume that the bean-counters considered this as a way to solve future money-problems. I can see further combining at KH's in the future as numbers go down.

    They will view it as a blessing from Jehovah- getting the JW's into many halls when times were good, so that in tough times, the halls could be sold and there would be room to combine congregations and put more congregations into the same buildings. "Jehovah was wonderful to give us this provision." I can hear it now.

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