...New Study on Vegetarian`s...Not as Healthy as Some may Think...
by OUTLAW 82 Replies latest jw friends
I think the stuff they put in meat is what is harmful, not the meat itself. (In moderation with a well balanced diet).
They have so many hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, steriods, shoe polish, tin cans.. you name it..it's in there somewhere...
That ruins the meat ..
Thanks for the link, but I don't think I mentioned that plants don't have protien, just that, and I will add supposedly, animal protein is easier to assimilate.
PrimitiveDave..Thank you......And...Thanks for the link............There are vegetarians who are masters at food combination..Unfortunately they are few and far between....I have`nt met many in all my years..Still they do exist.............Good luck on your pursuit of good health...........I have a feeling you`re going to do very well..
Snoozy..You can buy meat that does not have all the steroids and chemicals in it..It costs a bit more..But..If it`s a concern,it`s more than worth it..You can off-set the extra expense by eating less meat..It`s better for you in the long run,to eat less meat..
I'm working up a good appetite right now...
I eat meat.
In the past I have gone through phases where I will eat mainly veggie burgers, veggie dogs, beans and salmon and sardines and egg beaters.
When I have done that my cholesterol has been great with out any medication and my blood pressure has been
I end up eating meat because it is convenient to my busy, hectic lifestyle.
It takes time and energy to follow a specific diet.
When man is primitive they have to eat meat to survive.
When man in civilized they have too much meat and junk to eat and that ends up poisoning them.
I speculate that If a person would write down make a diet of all the foods they were going to
eat in a month and get their ratios in a healthy area regarding saturated fats, proteins, carbs etc
and eat a balanced diet with veggies and fruit bioflavinoids, omega 3 fats, eating meat
would not be so harmful, small pieces a few times a week.
But in Amerika people live on greasy cheeseburgers several times a day. with steak and ribs on the
So, as has previously been said balance is important.
And I think keeping your weight down is very important for longevity.
Mice that are given less food, food deprevation, can live much longer
than those that are given the regular amount of food.
I'm not a vegatarian, but I do like to eat that way, I eat meat but very small portions...I just feel better with less.
I think that Jaguarbase just about has it right. Today there are still a few bushmen left in Africa who hunt much like our early ancestors did. They stalk an animal, running it down for many hours, until they eventually chase it down and kill it. These skinny men and their families probably still only eat meat once or so a month. Driving to the local McDonald's for a greasy burger bares no resemblance to what our meat eating ancestors did.
As far as vegetarians generally weighing less, it doesn't work that way. I've known several overweight vegetarians. I used to work with a girl who ate nothing but noodles of various kinds. A serving of pasta is around 220 calories, (few people actually eat a serving, usually much more). Four ounces of chicken breast is about 150 (I'm going from memory here), and makes you feel fuller longer. Add sugar to a vegetarian diet, and you can really pack on the calories.
As eyeslice points out, for early man meat was a hard to come by source of high quality protien and required a major investment in food gathering effort. I agree that most serious health problems of prosperous people is OVER NOURISHMENT. I know this but I don't live by it. LOL, I am hoping for more medical breakthroughs that the government will pay for so I can keep enjoying foood.