If god was Almighty than he would of known that Adam and Eve and....Satan... and demons....would sin before he even created anything.

by dutchstef 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Deputy Dog,

    I must agree with you..

    It's like having a gun put on your Head and be given the choice You can either give your money or I kill you...

    The only problem you have with that analogy is God has all your money. It already belongs to Him.

  • dutchstef


    Is there a bibletekst where Jesus actualy talks about Adam and Eve.... ( could be...I didn't know)? And I don't mean somthing like god created humanbeing, but realy their names?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Deputy Dog, is me being scared for my life the way that a loving god chooses to attract worshipers and be a god of love?

    I wish he would make up his mind. But don't tell me he is a god of love while I am under threat of death if I don't worship him.

  • dutchstef

    The only problem you have with that analogy is God has all your money. It already belongs to Him

    That prooves that god created us as slaves!!!

  • dutchstef

    That prooves that god created us as slaves!!!

    And that brings us back to the other question, why then did he give us free will, if we can't get killed for using it....

  • dutchstef


    I mean:

    And that brings us back to the other question, why then did he give us free will, if we Can't get killed for using it....(Sometimes translating dutch to english in my mind goes wrong)

  • Yizuman

    Were did you get this idea? Do you think God would honor a will that is contrary to His?

    So it's ok to molest a child? It's ok to rob someone and kill them? So no one should have to answer for their actions?

    God is good and he is against evil. So we should ignore evil and let them get away with it all and just call it normal?


  • Finally-Free
    God does not delight in our suffering, but to me, suffering builds character, it can make us a better person if we choose it to be. Rather than mope around and blame everything in the sight of God.

    Sure, tell that to the victims of Auschwitz, Dachau, and Rwanda. I'm sure they would have been comforted to know their sufferings were a result of Adam and Eve eating some fruit.

    What ever happened to the punishment fitting the crime?


  • lezleesm

    Hi... i am kind of new to this forum... so hi to all here... i have moved away from JW very recently... but then i was not in touch with them for very long...

    I think this question of did God knew and if so why allow sin arises only because we have been taught to have this image of God as an all-knowing person... I believe that God can control history, much like how firgures of history like Napoleon or Alexander controlled and influenced history... him being God, he can do it much more effectively but i don't think he can predict individuals and their free will... God did not know Adam and others would sin... he must have been as surprised as anyone else when they did... when they did Sin, he improvised and laid out a plan for their redemption.... this does not paint God as the usual image we have in mind of an all-knowing person but paints him rather as someone like us human beings... which i believe he is... we were created in his image after all... but ofcourse he is infinitely powerful and hence he does decisively influence history...

  • dutchstef


    Not everything is as black and white as your examples. There is a grey area between good and evil...

    If( read If...) I would believe everything genesis tells me, then I would be killed by god for beeing Gay....for instance.. Well I don't consider myself Evil...

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