My issues with women ...

by The Berean 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Berean
    The Berean


    It makes total sense ...


  • The Berean
    The Berean

    keyser soze:

    If it appeared that I am trying to justify harmful acts, I am sorry.

    It is those little babies siezed and carried off by force that have been victimized. It is many children of JW homes that have been emotionally raped to the point that their view of sex is demented. There can be no excuse for such treatment.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am going to address this from my opinion.

    I have come to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are a female-driven organization using males to do the "dirty work."

    Eve seduced Adam into not only disobeying God but to also taking the blame.

    It is so much the opposite of what you say. WTS was founded by the "Good Old Boys" Club who manage to keep women in their pre-suffrage position. They keep women down. The decisions are made by men. About the only thing they cave in on is allowing women to speak at all in the Kingdom Hall. But I suspect that having women speak at the hall is just to keep them interested enough to do the bulk of the recruiting work for the WTS.

    The Bible is a book from the "Good Old Boys" Club that demonized the women. Eve was said to seduce Adam so that the man could blame the woman. He didn't take the blame, but said it was the woman who God gave him that made him disobey.

    mothers were at the forefront browbeating their children into compliance and in the bathrooms beating them into submission

    That's a task delegated to the women because the men think they are too important to care for children.

    I began to notice that... to get something done was to have a female protest to the elders

    It may just be a matter of men expecting men to solve their own problems, suck it up, live with their burdens, but the men in charge don't want the women to go on protesting, perhaps going over their heads to the C.O.

    I know your views are your perceptions. They are valid, but I wanted you to see another perception.

    Your perceptions of women using men are shared by most. Because people use people all the time. The men used know what they are getting and they use the women also. But a cheating mother and a cheating wife- that certainly will take its toll on you. Remember that some men cheated with them. Statistics show that men cheat on a marriage just as much as women, typically more in the past.

  • mrsjones5

    Your mother kinda sounds like my hubby's mother but she's not a jw. Hubby has cultivated a different outlook than yours and looks upon women as equal to men. Hubby does have his hangups because of his mother but I've gathered that he decided long ago to actively be the positive to his mother's negative.


    P.S. He recently went into therapy and loved it, I tagged was good for me too. Therapy is not a bad idea Berean.

  • The Berean
    The Berean


    I'm sure your points are valid. I can only defend my observations by saying that I, as others, never had a father-image in my life to indict. Mom ran everything. So I probably don't possess all the pieces of the puzzel ...

    Yet, I kinda still believe that in today's organization if you took away the women, it woulds all fall apart. Sure, Russell aparently had no need for sex in the beginning, yet from my observation men more often than not are trying to please their wives who make everyday married life a lot easier for being "spiritual.". But, your experience may well be different ...

  • beksbks
    mothers were at the forefront browbeating their children into compliance and in the bathrooms beating them into submission.
    "My take on this one sentence is that mother's were taking out their frustrations on their own children. And in some cases, mothers who didn't adequately control their children got their own beatings from their husbands."

    This is similar to my take Aude. Women were of course the ones who "browbeat their children into compliance". It was beneath a man to do so. Women are hugely marginalized in the org. They are second class, "in submission" no matter what kind of moron or bastard the man in the family is. To think that some women learned how to manipulate is a natural progression, as well as a survival tool.

    I disagree completely with your take on the difference between men and women's complaints being addressed.

    My experience is about as opposite as can be from yours. I watched my mother get beaten about five nights a week until I left home. She didn't have any affairs although she could have. I saw her leave the JW's when they told her she could have nothing to do with her children who had DA'd themselves. I also saw her spend 10 years taking care of that man who beat her, after he had a stroke and was completely dependant on her. He could not do anything for himself, and she never thought about putting him in a home, but took care of him like a precious child until the day he died.

    Your comments are like so many we have seen here lately. To say that women/men are this way or that way because of personal experience is to be shortsighted and ignorant. People are different, some are decent and loving and honest, some are not. Some are broken and make lousy choices, some come out of hellish lives intact. We are all individuals.

  • snowbird

    Just popping back in to say, HI, BEK!!!


  • beksbks

    Hey woman!!!

    PS, where's our boy??

  • snowbird

    Probably working on that book.

    I can't wait until it debuts.

    Tee hee hee.


  • The Berean
    The Berean


    Perhaps my comments were " shortsighted and ignorant" yet they were the truth as I currently believe. I would also suggest that our entire existence requires prejudice. Remember, I said "My issues with women," ... not yours. It's rather surprising that on a site where JWs are so often villified as a group that someone should so strongly point out that my opinion amounts to an inaccurate "generalization."

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