Come here and give me a hug you silly man!
My issues with women ...
by The Berean 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Berean
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Similar but yet different....
In my first KH we were pretty much 'equal' genderwise. Men ran things because of the bible's words but it was understood that this was a 'old system' principle only and would not be present in the 'new system'.
However the second KH..... women/sex = evil. Men rallied to keep themselves and the congregations from the 'jezebels'.
In the end it was all nonsense of men who felt insecure around women. I would point out that sex wasn't a sin, rather disobedience. God told them to multiply and be fruitful before the serpent enters the story. The only way Eve wasn't pregnant by the time she fell into temptation (and casting out) is if she had only been in the garden a little over a week (or less). Jezebel wasn't any more horrible then men portrayed in the Bible.
I think the real shift in the organization to women hating started back when Maria Russell caught Charles wondering jellyfish hand exploring areas inappropriate to a married man who had vowed that both he and wife would remain 'clean' and virginal for their 144,000 literal calling....and she filed for divorce dragging his actions into public. .... the rest went downhill from there.
I agree a therapist (male) should be sought. Men growing up without fathers in the home or closely in their lives has taken a great toll on society. Men and women are different, we each have our strenghts and weaknesses.
.... if all else fails know that you are far from alone growing up fatherless and having 'mommy issues'.... just make it a personal goal to find balance.
To Beks big understanding and big heart ............. cheers !
Eccl 8:9 All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, [during] the time that man has dominated man to his injury .
One thing i always enjoyed is the book of proverbs and ecclesiastis, we could all have an opinion but truly
history proves that abuse of power and control it's been on the part of both sexes.
The problem with lumping all women into the category of conniving, sly, sex fiends is about the same as saying all men are cheats & drunks and beat their wives. Sure, these are the ones you hear about the most, but, it doesn't mean this is most of the population. I have been married to my husband for 27 years and, yes, we are very happy! Most of all we are also best friends, WE DO NOT LIE TO EACH OTHER PERIOD! Communication is the key to a happy marriage, very open discussion even if you may disagree with the others opinion. It sounds to me that your mother may have "poisoned" you from the very beginning and this is what you thought women were, so this is what you looked for or at least expected. There are bad and good out there, you just have to weed through them. MM
Caliber you're a sweetie! I'm thirsty too! It's 84 degrees, hot and sunny and I've been working in the yard.
Wow, it is so amazing to me that when a man has a bad experience with his "mommy" growing up he in turns grows up and in some way hates all women. If you crunched the numbers you would see that far many more women are victimized by fathers, uncles, brothers, boyfriends, etc. than comparing that with men who are victimized by mothers, aunts, sisters, girlfriends, etc. What is interesting is that these female victims grow up and typically take their frustration out on themselves. However, men who experience the same abuses grow up to be serial killers, serial rapists, molesters, murderers, etc. Oh and I am surprised you left the organization since if you read their articles from the 70's and 80's they go as far as to say "women were to blame for rape because they used boys as sexual objects when they were little".......sounds to me like you need to go back to the organization because there you can take out all of your hatred and disdain for females by opressing them into "submission". You could constantly remind them they are to be "silent" and you could monitor what they wear and counsel them when they are "immodest"......Please do us all a favor and go back.....THANK YOU!
It has only been in recent times that I have begun to fairly evaluate each individual by their conduct and not their gender.
I think this is a good start, but sounds like you need to work on perfecting this philosophy in practice. Don't make the problems of your mother a gender issue. The problems you mention are not gender exclusive.
The congregations I attended insisted a husband be present if a wife had an issue or complaint she wanted the elders to address. The women I knew always felt stifled and unaddressed when it came to getting any soluitions to problems they took before the elders.
You say you can almost understand why crimes are committed against innocent women. As if it's okay to commit crimes against women who aren't "innocent." I'd love to hear your definition of the word innocent as it applies to women.
Why do you think men and women have affairs? They both have them, though most studies say that worldwide, men have more affairs. But yes, women have affairs. I believe most women have affairs for unique, personal reasons. I know of some reasons some have stepped outside the marriage. Some women that is. Loneliness. Poor communication. Sexual neglect by a husband. Emotional and physical abuse by a husband. A couple who spend little time together and then grow too distant from each other. A husband who is impotent. There are many, many reasons. I can say this though, usually happy, content wives don't have affairs.