Questioning me as an apostate

by God_Delusion 69 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome God_Delusion!!

    To protect me from the "apostate" witchhunt, I use my special cloaking device when raising questions like these. Every question revolves around "how would you respond in the ministry?" What I know or think isn't at issue, it's a matter of getting them to reason on an acceptable answer to valid questions, "how are you qualified to knock on people's doors with 'the truth' if you can't explain really basic questions about Noah's ark?" Think there's an answer in the "Reasoning" book? Nope, it doesn't even touch the subject of how kangaroos got to the ark then miraculously to Australia without any staying in Asia, Africa, Europe, or going to any other islands or the Americas.

    For any dub, you should brainlessly accept a reniaa-like explanation like you are an uneducated 3 year-old. Obviously, if the next issue of Botchtower had a reversal saying that Christmas was now to be celebrated, gifts were to be purchased from, and Santa really lives at the North Pole, reniaa would be here saying, "It's the truth!" And every other dub would have to march in step or be labelled an "apostate"! Of course a dub would accept the explanation that angels carried kangaroos, and koalas, and Chinese pandas, etc. to Noah's ark and magically shrank and froze them so they'd fit in a "floating box"... well, if that was what Watchtower actually said. But they never answer those questions, it's too "scientific" to merit their consideration. You should just have unquestioning faith... just like every other "false religion".

    There is no way you can use that explanation in the "field service". Any person who has been to the zoo is going to realize that all those animals won't fit in a floating crate. And the stink would kill the humans in the ark.

    So, do those brothers think that if they can't answer some logical questions about Bible accounts, they're going to start calling householders "apostate"? And the brothers will run away crapping their pants like 3 year-olds that were just informed that there is no Santa?

    B the X

  • leavingwt

    LOL @ Billy!

  • booby

    reniaa. I am not going to go through all the examples that are clearly for the purpose of teaching thru illustration, like the prodigal son, the good samaritan, etc, but do you have good proof that the flood story, that of Job and others are not also illustrations or stories to teach a point to us.

  • booby


    1:31)31 After that God saw everything he had made and, look! [it was] very good. . (And then look what happened!!!)

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    If the WTS. were to be really truthful they would state that the bible is mostly made up of stories of mythology involving

    the ancient Israelites and their chosen God, but then again being that truthful wouldn't be profitable in selling literature in are time.

  • passwordprotected

    Ray Franz has written an essay on the "global" flood on his site;


  • BonaFide

    God-Delusion, welcome to the board. My advice is make sure you want to be disfellowshipped before you let them do it. If you do, great for you, but if you don't, then make sure you avoid the magic phrase, "I don't believe in the Organization."

    Just keep on saying you have questions, but you love Jehovah and his Organization. They will have a hard time disfellowshipping you, you can even write to Bethel or talk to the C.O. In order for them to disfellowship you, you have to tell them you no longer believe in the Organization, or the Faithful Slave. Remember that even saying you don't "believe" is grounds for disfellowshipping now.

    I almost got in major hot water a few months ago for bringing up stuff at a family WT study. A couple of friends were there too. I was able to stay in by emphasizing I still believe in the Faithful Slave. Some still avoid me, but others don't.

    So just MAKE SURE you want to be disfellowshipped before you try and teach the elders anything. They are not there to learn anyway, in their point of view. You could ask them to help you do research, and maybe get them to think, but its a pride thing for most elders, not a doctrinal thing. You could prove everything to them and they won't accept it. That's how I was.

    Anyway, I wish you the best.


  • BonaFide

    B the X, great points.


  • truthlover


    thanks for the flood info from Ray F. -- printed it off - had a question on that last week

    much appreciated


    So I guess its a game, just to keep my sanity.. I have a few friends who are doing that, and I guess from my angle, me too ... from some comments made by others, there is a lot of doubt creeping in in my area , others just wont listen to anything, so its a tender tread to walk all the time, I do remember when we could sit down at a meal and talk and talk about the bible, loved it -- no more of that or suspicious looks come your way... its not right! The bible tells us to keep on knocking, keep on searching - yet we cant do that or that almighty "apostacy" word creeps in - I dont think 99% of Jw's know what this word REALLY means... one friend uses another Bible translation - I have a lot of them myself (translations that is)- the WTBTS uses other translations but yet the RF sees another bible being used and thats terrible... I cant believe people can be so taken over in mind-- but then I guess the same could be asked about Hitlers influence, Jonestown, etc.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Good info password on the flood.

    I liked this part:

    Perhaps more significant is that the purpose of the flood is shown to have been God’s decision to put a halt to the rampant wickedness proliferating among the human race. That raises the question, what purpose would there be in annihilating all the animals and bird life in the vast unpopulated areas of earth since these creatures had nothing to do with the human wickedness carried on in the region where Noah lived?

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