"Bearing Thorough Witness" book: New light about Governing Body

by kurtbethel 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • treadnh2o

    I see a title change from "Governing Body" to "Coordinators of Jehovah's Earthly Organization".

  • mindmelda

    The idea that the GB sitting around in a conference room like any board of directors and voting on issues being how God's channel of holy spirit works on earth makes me want to upchuck my breakfast.

    If that's how holy spirit works, then every corporation in the world that operates the same way is just as able to be used by god. What you think some of those corporate big wigs don't pray every day? Adding prayer to a business meeting doesn't make it spiritual.

    This is religion as business or the business of religion. That's all it is. It's no more spiritual than the GM bankruptcy and reorganization.

  • mcsemike

    To mindmelda:

    Ray Franz said in his book that this voting procedure was exactly how it happened. He also added that due to politics, most GB clowns voted the same as King Jaracz so they wouldn't be known as troublemakers.

    If kissing Teddie's ass is how holy spirit works, then he should have another stroke and check out for good. He's done enough damage. I've seen him in interviews when the news media cornered him at assemblies. He's a real smart-ass. If he were 20 years younger and he spoke to me that way, I'd take him out permanently. He's a cocky SOB who deserves a good beating.

    How anyone with an IQ higher than a plant can still defend the WT is beyond me. I'm sure I'll hear about how "unspiritual" I am due to how I view these animals, but I've documented the damage done to my child for years now and I am not going to write it all out again. If the rape and molestation of over 20,000 proven cases with children isn't enough for decent humans to quit this sick cult, then nothing is. Anyone defending the GB at this point is mentally and morally sick and belongs in prison or worse.

  • parakeet

    "The Governing Body relies on God's holy spirit for direction. Its members do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah's people."

    Yet another pearl of wisdom from the gutless wonders. 'Do what we tell you but if you run into any difficulty resulting from our "spirit-directed" instructions (car accidents in fs, dead child from blood ban, wasting away of lives in blind servitude to WTS), it's YOUR responsibility, dubbies, not OURS!'

    What a crock.

  • OnTheWayOut

    "The Governing Body relies on God's holy spirit for direction. Its members do not regard themselves as the leaders of Jehovah's people."

    Assert the statement you want to make and have the members remember: ...do not regard themselves as the leaders...

    Imply the opposite in other areas of other articles and even right under their noses in the same articles, perhaps even right next to the propaganda statement that you want the members to remember: ...relies on God's holy spirit for direction.

    If a member is asked about it, he says the Governing Body members are not the leaders.
    If he applies what is heard at meetings and written in articles, he still believes they are "taking the lead" and "guide" and give "directions."

    Is it really any different? You must accept everything they say or get shunned.

  • stillajwexelder

    I see a title change from "Governing Body" to "Coordinators of Jehovah's Earthly Organization".


  • parakeet

    stilla:"Coordinators of Jehovah's Earthly Organization".

    LOL! It's like showbiz. Even God needs an agent.

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