What does nicotine feel like?

by Elsewhere 42 Replies latest social physical

  • RubaDub

    Hard to explain ... but ...

    Something like sheet-lightning enema.

    Rub a Dub

  • Leprechaun

    What does nicotine feel like?

    It varies with each person depending on their emotions at the time, some people at first can get an orgasm, or get rush out of this world, it can be nice after sex for some, I like a puff after a meal or around the camp fire, or bull shiting with my friends.

  • cantleave

    I smoked a few ciggies when I was younger (my dad was a hjeavy smoker - he's dying of clung ancer at present). I remember the light headed feeling and a short buzz. Cannabis was better, it felt like waves of numbness running up my body. I got baptised soon after the cannabis experience.

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