What does nicotine feel like?

by Elsewhere 42 Replies latest social physical

  • sinis

    It doesn't make sense to get involved. As little as one cigarette can make permanent changes to your brain, and not for the better. This was a surprise to many and the research results on this will probably take years to trickle down to the "Wheel-Of-Fortune" mentalities, however it's true and even more rapidly addictive for young people.

    I dipped for 12 years before becoming a JW and that was the most difficult thing to quit. A dipper (I used copenhagen, swallowed about a can's worth a week) will get about 7 times the amount of nicotine in his system as a smoker.

    I suppose this was one good thing I got out of the process. It gave me the motivation to quit. I could easily return, but that would be stupid.

    I disagree. Nicotine fires up the neurons in your brain and forces synapsis connection. Its actually very helpful in focusing and brain function. I use the gum and smoke and it does give a nice euphoric feeling, along with making colors more intense.

  • sinis

    All the smoking bullshit I keep hearing is just that BULLSHIT!!! I have read medical articles both pro and con smoking - I guess it depends WHO is funding the research. Everything in moderation. Shit the SHITTY food you eat will kill you before nicotine does...

  • BurnTheShips

    A smoke helps me write.

    Whiskey too.


  • davegod

    LOL, the one cigarette, permanent change is simply a link. It opens the neuron receptor to nicotine within the brain.

  • JimmyPage

    I've heard people speak about a nicotine buzz. I smoked a few times and never felt anything. Now, weed I felt!

  • Jack Burton
    Jack Burton

    I started smoking while I was inpatient in a "nut house", recovering from a suicide attempt after being DFed for apostasy, and then losing my wife and kids (Only temporary, I'm happy to say). Anyways, back to nicotine, greatest shit ever created! Seriously, I know I'm addicted to it, but the nicotine buzz rules...especially after several tasty vodka beverages!

  • BurnTheShips
    I started smoking while I was inpatient in a "nut house", recovering from a suicide attempt after being DFed for apostasy, and then losing my wife and kids

    Wow. That must have been such a hell to live through. I am happy you are here with us to talk about it.


  • Jack Burton
    Jack Burton

    Yeah, it was f*&cked up. In the words of the Shawshank Redemption - I crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side...

    Something like that

  • Marjorie

    My dad died from throat cancer.

    The cancer was swift and virulent.

    He had been a professional athlete in his youth, and had kept his body fit and trim. Well into his 50's and early 60's, he had the body of a man in his 20's.

    Until the cancer choked him and shriveled him up.

    Healthy foods, vitamins and supplements, regular exercise routines, yes, he did it all.

    Unfortunately he did the one thing that negated all of the above: he smoked.

    I remember my father speaking to me in his mellifluous voice, and how he always smelled like tobacco.

    At the end, his voice was no longer mellifluent.

    And now there is no voice at all. It was stilled much too early.

    But at least I have his pipes and the last pouch of tobacco that he didn't finish.

  • Elsewhere

    > I recommend you start smoking. It's a good time. You can always quit. Plus it's cool. Muhahahahahah.

    Don't worry... not gonna start. I'm just being curious.

    If I was going to start I would have skipped creating this thread and just started sucking on a cigarette.

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