What does nicotine feel like?

by Elsewhere 42 Replies latest social physical

  • digderidoo

    I only ever smoked in a social setting. I could always go without for days on end, but then when others smoked it set me off. For me, i started smoking marijuana which got me into cigarettes, rolling up a joint with tobacco made me want to smoke tobacco alone eventually.

    Now though i don't smoke anything, but i found after a few days of not smoking, that first cigarette gave me a nicotine rush and a feeling of calm.


  • gubberningbody

    Sure Paul, what you don't realize is that is exactly the indication of addiction. Nicotine addiction is different than almost any other substance addiction I've found. These profound changes in the brain happen swiftly and are permanent. The relaxation was a feeding of the addiction.

  • Mary
    This is to announce that BTS has been disfellowshipped for conduct unbecoming a Christian. And now we will hear Brother Williams deliver the timely talk, "Smoke on the Water. Was it a Miracle?"

    ROFLMAO@ Donny!!

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    This is a serious comment. It will sound preachy, sorry.

    I have been a smoker for too many years. Nicotine is an addictive drug with many negative side effects and no positive ones. It is always a bad idea to start smoking. If I could stop, I would.

    In the context of JWN, if you leave the dubs and want to do something to rebel, go and find a prostitute instead. More enjoyable, non-addictive and (if you're careful), much safer. And cheaper in the long run.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Heroin X 100.......

  • RubaDub
    Re: What does nicotine feel like?.

    It's like bending over and getting a sheet-lightning enema.

    Rub a Dub

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    There must be something wrong with me or how I smoke it, but I can't feel anything from it at all. I never did. I only smoke about once a month or so either alone or socially.

  • VIII

    I would ask my mother-in-law but she died 3 weeks ago from small cell lung cancer. The most aggressive type of lung cancer and is almost always caused by smoking.

    5 weeks from diagnoses to death. It smothered her to death. It metastasized from her lung to her liver and BAM! She died a most horrible death. All because she was hooked on cigarettes. She had them hidden all over her home.

    I never tried a cigarette. The smell of her home made me ill. The smell of her documents that I am sorting makes me ill.

    Why anyone would want to suck on burning leaves is beyond comprehension.

  • rebel8

    There no chemical in a cig that is relaxing. The reason people think it's relaxing is:

    -Relief of the craving for nicotine

    -Deep breathing

    -Relaxing behaviors during smoking

    Elsewhere, if you want to feel it, you can just sit next to a smoker and inhale deeply. Or save your heart--drink 4 cups of coffee in short succession and have someone sit on your chest.

  • Spook

    For new smokers:

    1. Nicotine can produce a tingling, stimulating euphoric feeling. An "upper"

    2. Heavy smokers like myself who are thoroughly adidcted don't get that feeling. Instead it's more of maintaining a calm even keel. It's a "downer" or a mood stabalizer to a constant user.

    I recommend you start smoking. It's a good time. You can always quit. Plus it's cool. Muhahahahahah.

    STUNNED by how many anti-smokers responded off topic.

    Anyway, why one continues to smoke is a deep question. I don't want to not smoke, I enjoy smoking but would like to smoke less. Not an easy task by any means. I think that but for nicotine one would not smoke. I don't think I'd drink beer without alcohol either.

    Spook (who's going to go out to the garrage to work on his chopper and have a cigar and a whisky. I hear the nicotine nannies coming anyway!)

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