Curing Cancer With Baking Soda

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    Even *if* an "alkaline" body chemistry resulted in less of a chance of developing cancer, eating or drinking certain foods isn't the way you accomplish that goal. Food/drink does not change your body's pH. If you eat acidic foods, your body responds by producing less stomach acid. If you eat alkaline foods, your body responds by producing more stomach acid.

    Your body controls its pH level primarily through the exhalation of carbon dioxide, as that affects the amount of carbonic acid in the blood.

  • JeffT

    Ditto what happyexjw said. My father has devoted his life to curing cancer. Hopefully anybody that wants to try curing their cancer this way will die before their DNA contaminates the gene pool.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Cancer is definitely a disease the drug companies do NOT want curing!

    Think about it..... the people who run big pharmaceutical companies are humans just like us.

    They get cancer too, and some of them also have to watch as their child, parent, or loved one die from cancer.

    They want a cure just the same as the rest of us.

  • jaguarbass

    I've also heard flaxseed oil and cottege cheese can cure it.

    My father claimed to cure his cancer in the 80's by drinking carrot juice.

    He drank so much he turned orange.

    But he got better from what was ailing him.

  • SacrificialLoon

    I hear this stuff is good.

    The baking soda will relieve your indigestion at least.

  • drwtsn32
    But he got better from what was ailing him.

    Those anecdotes are interesting and usually more compelling than they should be. The problem is that it's statistically insignificant. No one knows what would have happened if he didn't drink gallons of carrot juice each day.

    Only controlled, blinded studies with a large enough group of participants can really identify what medical treatments works.

  • Gerard

    Bullshit! There a re many kinds of cancer each one with very different molecular precursors and metabolism.

  • JimmyPage

    Worrying about cures for cancer is like worrying about what happens at death. Sure it's important but no one knows the answers for sure so you just do the best you can.

    My dad just dealt with cancer the past two years. He did chemo, he did a no red meat diet, he drank the essiac tea, and he had surgery. He tried so many things he said he wouldn't know which one worked for sure. But he really thought the tea helped more than anything. He had spots on his liver that just seemed to disappear and he swore it was the essiac.

  • WTWizard

    Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment or one that is alkaline. From this, one might reasonably wonder if alpha lipoic acid, vitamin E, other antioxidants, and yes baking soda could help cure cancer--this is actually based on science, not some Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger's guesswork. And, if you really want to alkalize the body, it is essential that you are getting plenty of magnesium in your diet, from supplements, or both.

  • rebel8
    Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide - mixed with water to dilute - is another way to get cancer killed
    Also Activated Oxygen - you can buy in Health food stores

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