Curing Cancer With Baking Soda

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32


  • Heaven

    while I can't prove or disprove the claims

    Tired... please be careful! Anyone making such a claim owns the responsibility of "the burden of proof". By your very statement above, this says that there is no proof or you did not ask for the research supporting this and therefore you cannot take the CLAIM seriously. This is a fundamental issue I found within the WTS doctrines.

    1 Thessalonians 5:21: Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good. (KJV)

    If you wish to take some sort of health tonic, I would strongly recommend consulting your doctor first. Some combinations of 'health' foods in conjunction with certain conditions (eg. pregnancy) or certain prescription medications can cause harmful reactions or can nullify the effects of the medication. In addition, if you decide to spend your hard earned dollars on a 'cure' that does nothing or even harms you, you have just wasted that money.

    Before jumping on any bandwagon or recommending others do the same, do your research first. We have libraries and the Internet so there is no reason this cannot be done. Heaven

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    The principle in natural medicine is alkaline diets/foods create an enviroment where the cancer can't grow.....while acid foods encourage cancer.....since Soda is the most alkaline substance avalible it may indeed work, to a degree.......I hate the way ignorant people slam this idea when many hundreds of people claim to have cured themselves.....I have read about wieghtlifters, accountants, firemen......people from around the world claiming this alkaline method saved them.....if nothing else it's worthy of investigation.

  • PrimateDave

    I do believe that exercise and good diet are keys to better health and longer life. I have noticed a big difference in how I look and feel since the beginning of this year (new year's resolution ) taking up running and eating a vegetarian diet.

    However, reading the article in the link posted by the OP, I was struck by the seeming intellectual dishonesty of the promoter of this "cure" by making bald assertions with no objective proof to back them up. I really have to question whether the "newsletter" presented halfway through really came from Johns Hopkins Hospital as claimed.

    7. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water – best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic. Avoid it.”

    "Distilled water is acidic"? Come on! Distilled water is pure water! It is considered pH neutral unless compared with sea water or baking soda solution which are only slightly more alkaline. It seems this author can't even make up plausible lies.


  • Elsewhere

    Sorry, I have to call Bullshit on this.

    The scale of the conspiracy required to accomplish this "cover-up" would have to be massive.

  • JeffT

    .......I hate the way ignorant people slam this idea when many hundreds of people claim to have cured themselves.

    Sorry, not ignorant here. I've grown up with this stuff. What a bunch of people "claimed" cured them is irrelevant. Anybody can claim anything. Where is the evidence?

    Here's an article about my Dad:

  • rebel8
    if nothing else it's worthy of investigation.

    Of course it is. That's why it was investigated.

    What you failed to do is to investigate if it had been investigated, then assume it hadn't been investigated, then call the people who knew it had been investigated ignorant for not investigating.

  • SacrificialLoon
    What you failed to do is to investigate if it had been investigated, then assume it hadn't been investigated, then call the people who knew it had been investigated ignorant for not investigating.

    Wait... what?

  • Paralipomenon

    Cancer is definitely a disease the drug companies do NOT want curing!

    Think about it..... the people who run big pharmaceutical companies are humans just like us.

    They get cancer too, and some of them also have to watch as their child, parent, or loved one die from cancer.

    They want a cure just the same as the rest of us.

    That's a nice thought, but the pharmaceutical companies are corporations that can't get cancer. The CEO isn't tasked with doing good, it is tasked with making money. If the cure was more profitable than the treatment, then they'd be all over it. As it stands, a CEO needs to show company growth and sustained revenue to keep his job. Jobs that pay $200-300k a year with bonuses in the millions don't come around every day.

    Mix that with the fact that you don't usually rise that high in a large company by doing the right thing and you have a formula for disaster.

    There are countless people that work for insurance companies whose sole job is to find ways to deny paying out claims. But people do it. Is it because they are evil? No. Because they can blame someone else and they need the job.

    Perhaps being raised a witness has made me a cynic, but I've seen otherwise good people turn their back on disfellowshipped family because a book publishing company told them it was God's will. So long as someone else is shouldering the moral responsibility, I think that there is really no depth to behaviour that people will justify as acceptable.

  • mkr32208

    This is one of the most ass things ever... You go ahead and try it!

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