yours here

by coffee_black 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    What a ding dong for me to post what I was working on.

    The art shown here is awesome.

    Coffee black.

    your last picture of the pantry, I love it!!!! When I was setting up furniture showrooms to expand space in the kitchette area we had murals painted.

    The pantry pic would have been so cool as a mural.


  • coffee_black

    Purps...your work is awesome... Don't underestimate yourself. The beauty of art is that it encompasses so many different styles and subjects. Your work is unique.

    When I was growing up, my parents were very supportive of my art... I started classes at the age of 8. The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston was my second home. I spent every Saturday afternoon there for almost a decade. . My dad designed our home...and over the fireplace he reserved an 8' wide by 4' high framed space for me to paint a mural. I painted when I was 15. It was their pride and joy.

    But in the cong. any talk of my artwork was considered boastful. I was almost embarassed when the subject came up... one wasn't supposed to call attention to onesself. After I was married, my now x husband was the worst critic of my work ... I pretty much stopped painting or drawing for years. I lost all desire to pick up a paintbrush. He had me convinced that my work was worthless.

    I see the freedom from the borg as a gift... it gives us freedom of expression...and we don' t have to hide our gifts anymore. All the talent shown here...but how many of us could share it or encourage one another when we were dubs?


  • coffee_black


    I love the emotion in your work.... You remind me a bit of Turner.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear coffee_black,

    I am very grateful to you for what you have begun. It would appear that I'm emerging from my shell. Additionally, I would like very much to get lost in your lovely pantry! Your link to Turner and his glorious work has set me ablaze and confident that my life as a lonely, non-starving artist is not over. The Grand Canal, Venice and The FightingTemeraire are among my faves.

    Would it be too much trouble to return to my last posted link and review my latest entries?

    I was in a Bay Area restaurant recently and a young man piped up for all to hear, "That man looks like Vincent Van Gogh!" He saw fit to repeat his exclamation. I was humbled but honored and in possession of both ears ...

    Love and gratitude,


  • tamaelia

    Yay for arty people!

    I draw occasionally and have dabbled in digital art including 3D art. Having been a pretty regular and long term gaming chick, I have a plethora of game personas that I have used for inspiration in art. This led to me doing art for others of their game indentities and so now I have a gallery full of elves, orcs, dwarves and the like. You can find my gallery links at which directs to my own web gallery and also my gallery at

    Here is one I like alot.

    Long Tailed Tit

    I drew this in hospital while I was waiting for back surgery.

    Pencil sketch of a teddy

    I drew this in white pencil on black paper for my mum, it is a Tonkinese.


    I need to find more time to draw.

  • coffee_black


    Seeing more of your work confirms what I thought... your work reminds me even more of Turner... raw emotion mixed with great skill. There is a story of Turner that he wanted so much to be able to portray a storm at sea that he once had himself strapped to the mast of a ship and rode out the storm as to be able to paint the experience on canvas.

    Tamaelia Wonderful drawings! I need more time too... Once I start I become's all I really want to I am scared to start...everything else takes a backseat... and there is so much I have to do these days...


  • quietlyleaving

    wonderful amazing stuff -


    Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!!! You are all SOOOOOO talented!!! I am GREEN with envy!

    (just in time for St.Patrick's day)

  • blondie
  • SnakesInTheTower

    What amazing talent we have on this board! I have had the privlege of seeing some of Purps' portfolio in person. It just keeps getting better.

    The college I attend is having a 60s theme for this year's spring fest...that would be cool to have purps' art is very 60s looking.. (and that is a good thing)

    I never made it much past stick figures and the whole digital thing is passing me by, despite my affinity for computers..

    oh...can anyone give me some ideas on what to do with a logo I am working on (I can email the logo).

    Snakes ()

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