SIT DOWN!.....i am going to the meeting next week for sex....

by oompa 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    i am so bummed right now...i have not even read this can see my other thread as to why....but maybe i will post it here too......oomps

  • LockedChaos


    Nobody says that you

    must pay attention............

  • oompa

    might as well post this here too....she wanted to know if i would start commenting......well....if i did want a pity would be now.....but i really dont...and no hugs either......i just had to share the moment......

    loubell got this responce from me just now in a pm...what a great gal....i am in frikin shock

    I will not anwser at the meetings unless it is an apostate answer/question!........i am so bummed our right now......first i had a second surgery on my knee from an accident eight months ago.....and wife is out of state visiting family......just like the first time my knee had surgery!!!!...weird.....but a few months ago i told her i had a holiday all planned out for Rome, Tuscany, and Paris......ten she says she is so stressed about world events (and prob just me) that she does not want to go........and now i just told her five minutes ago that i have found a little slice of paradise that i want to take her too....and that i will have her bag all packed and surprise her with where we are going......and that if i miss anything she needs.....i will take her shopping!!!!!!!!!.......and she says she is not interested!!!.....and that she would NEVER want me to pack for her?????????

    this is the woman i was going to go back to the meetings for next week?????maybe not now............oompa.....shoot me

  • sammielee24
    .....but a few months ago i told her i had a holiday all planned out for Rome, Tuscany, and Paris......ten she says she is so stressed about world events (and prob just me) that she does not want to go........and now i just told her five minutes ago that i have found a little slice of paradise that i want to take her too....and that i will have her bag all packed and surprise her with where we are going......and that if i miss anything she needs.....i will take her shopping!!!!!!!!!.......and she says she is not interested!!!.....and that she would NEVER want me to pack for her?????????

    She just doesn't sound like she is into you. I don't know her reasons but at some point you get weary of trying. At some point people who get weary simply go out and find someone who they feel appreciates them and loves them unconditionally. That search for acceptance and unconditional love is one of the major reasons for marital affairs. ....sammieswife.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    In addition to what sammielee24, she probably just wishes things could return to 'normal' for her. I know that my wife really felt like I had abandoned her when I stopped going to meetings with her. I eventually went back a little bit longer with her. With my wife it had nothing to do about what I believed per se. Belief was a smaller part of the bigger picture. She didn't like being in front of all those other JWs alone. She felt like she was getting stared down every time she went. She simply felt socially humiliated without me there. Those feelings may be inside her as well.

    My wife made an excellent comment about women in the watchtower that I think is well worth pointing out. There is no possible hope of position or advancement in the Watchtower for a woman. Young boys, sometimes even in their late teens are given appointments of authority. But women have no hope of any of that.

    The thing my wife said that really sticks with me is this: There is the perception among JWs that the most important decision a woman can make is in 'picking the right husband'. It's the only choice that ever gives her the possiblity of gaining social status and mobility within the religion. If a woman has a husband that leaves the 'truth', she can be seen (and feels) as if she has made a mistake in the one decision that mattered in her life.

    I never thought of it that way, and when I eventually caught on I was right there with support. I didn't want her to feel as if I had abanoned her.


    Posting so I can read this page............OUTLAW

  • oompa

    drew....she obviously did not pick the right husband


    Posting so I can read this page............OUTLAW

  • flipper

    OOMPA- Listen man , the con games won't stop once you start going back to meetings just to please your wife just to get laid. Your last post you stated your wife " wanted to know if you'll start commenting. " I was thinking EXACTLY that point before I scrolled to your post. Listen my friend, her requesting of you to comment won't stop with just requesting you to comment. Next it will be , " please go out in service with me honey on the weekend ! " Or - " Darling Oompa - you know I just loved it when you used to give talks ! Will you please rejoin the ministry school ? We will advance our marital due from 2 times a week to 4 times a week if you reach out for ministerial servant ! If you make elder , you'll get lovin' every day honey ! " You get my point ? At what price do you want it ?

    Look - You can certainly do whatever you want , it's your life, and I'm sure you will do whatever you want , rightly so. But to play mind games with your wife, falsely building up her hopes that you'll go to meetings - and the trade off is getting more sex - when you REALLY don't believe in what you are doing is deceptive, wrong ( in my opinion ) , and somewhat childish in a teenage non-grownup kind of way. Your wife asked you if you are going to comment because she's feeling you out ( no not sexually ) but testing you to see if you really mean you want to go back - or are you bull$hitting her. To build any relationship built on false premises usually doesn't work. Just my 2 cents . Now go ahead, shoot me. But at least I'm being straight up here. Good luck whatever you do- just think about it

  • oompa
    oompa totally misread.......go back my friend.......oompa

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