As a JW Did you Feel you Could Fully Trust the Elders ?

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    SCARRED FOR LIFE- Very true. The elders were definitely " power mongers ". I agree.

    TIFFY0212- I'm so sorry your family had no help or support when your husband was being abusive. And it doesn't surprise me that an elder beat his wife, got the boot, but came back and married an unsuspecting sister in the congregation. That kind of stuff happens all the time because nobody talks about spousal abuse in the congregation outwardly in public. It's why men get away with so much in that organization.

    FOKYC- The WT society is always lying about " how good " and allegedly " Christian " their organization is - however when the facts are analyzed they are nothing more than a " mind control cult ". And that's the plain and simple truth. They are always covering over their blemishes to the public and their own rank and file members

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up for a friend of mine on the board who hadn't read it. Any comments welcome

  • Twitch

    As a kid, I trusted them.

    Then I learned not to believe everything people tell you. Talk is cheap and people's actions speak louder than their words

  • verystupid77

    I found out, you have no defense, they make you second guess yourself, because they have the uncanny talent of always turning it on you. They have it in there heads, they don't answer to answer to them. So it is always a lose....lose situation.

    That is so true. I do not and will never trust an elder again. They turn it on you in a heart beat and make you feel like you are in the wrong. I was even told by the CO in November not to even read the WT and Awake on child abuse but to just think happy thoughts about my past abuse and trust the elders to handle the pedophiles in our hall with Jehovah's help. Yeh right trust the elders. What a joke!!!



    I know I’ve said this before but this is what they call "ad hominin

    In footballing terms kicking the player instead of the ball.

    I found the elders past masters at doing this, making YOU feel guilty when you were the innocent party to a situation, therefore the guilty one gets let off to carry on another day.



    Ooops - a correction to my earlier post

    It should have read "Ad hominem" - (attack on the person argued against, instead of his argument.)


  • Dagney

    Hi Mr. Flipper! How are you and the missus? I'm well, busy as usual.

    I had to think about this question a few days. But ya know, I think I never really did. Even when I was young, and for good reason, I held my cards close. I think my brother is a good one, from what I have seen and heard. But still...nope...don't trust.

  • only me
    only me

    I never thought they wanted to understand me so I stopped telling them anything important. How can they give good dvice if they don't care to get to know a person?

  • BluesBrother

    As a young man, and a young elder...Yes.

    As I got older and more confident of my own assessment of things I started to see that elders often acted wrongly , from prejudice or pride..

    The last body I served on?, I got to see them as a bunch of backstabbing B*****s who would lie their way out of trouble

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    When I was a kid I trusted them implicitly. But as I got older I began to see how arbitrarily they dealt with issues. The way they dealt with one person in a situation was often vastly different than how they dealt with someone else in the exact same situation. How could I trust them when their standards seemed to change from person to person?

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