New BOE letter re: parents permitting fornication

by sir82 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Unfortunately I have no scanner. But I thought y'all might like a glance into the latest mind of "mother".

    I won't type out the whole thing, but just select pertinent parts to quote:

    "To all Bodies of Elders

    "Re: Christian Parents permitting unbelieving relatives to live in fornication in their homes

    "[Usual blather about 'works of flesh']...If Christian parents were to allow their unbelieving son or daughter to practice fornication in their home, they would thus be giving tacit approval to immoral conduct. This would also be true of Christians who allow a son or daughter or other relative to commit fornication while visiting their home. Such parents would surely not be exemplary Christians...

    "When congregatoin elders come to know of such a situation, they sould patiently provide scriptural counsel. [Blather about the good effects if such counsel is applied]

    "Perhaps the parents are genuinely concerned that what they hve been allowing may be a cause for stumbling. For certain reasons, however, they may feel they have no recourse at the present time. For example, elderly Witness parents may need the assistance of an unbelieving son or daughter. Under such circumstances, no judicial action would be taken, but the qualification of the parent to serve in an exemplary position would be reviewed by the body of elders.

    "Suppose the parents, upon being approached by the elders, manifest a brazen attitude, not really caring if others are stumbled. Even though these parents do not encourage others to do what they themselves are doing, the elders may decide to arrange for a talk to be given that serves as a warning to the congregation [references to 'marking' from 7/15/99 WT]. On the other hand, if the baptized parents actively promote the practice of allowing individuals who are living in fornication to move into a Christian home, then the matter could be handled judicially on the grounds of condoning fornication, causing divisions, and, in effect, speaking against 'the teaching of the Christ."

    [Standard conclusion].

    Sir82 observations:

    1) Must be a growing problem if it elicits a BOE letter with such explicit examples and directions

    2) Note the last sentence quoted above:

    (a) "condoning fornication" is not a DF offense in the elder manual - they seem to be establishing a new precedent here.

    (b) "Causing divisions" is a catchall reason, along with "loose conduct", for DF-ing someone you don't like, but you don't have any valid grounds.

    (c) "the teaching of the Christ", as contained in the gospels, mentions absolutely nothing about parents whose children are "living in fornication". But there's plenty of information in WTs, BOE letters, and other literature. Thus, the subtle connection is made - WT literature is really "the teachings of Christ"

    There's really nothing particularly surprising here, but it is interesting to note that the micromanagement and desire to control all aspects of members' loves continues unabated.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Hey, maybe this was one of the reasons my mom got DFd... hehe... she tacitly condoned me and my fiancee....

  • leavingwt

    Rules on top of rules, on top of rules, on top of rules.

    It's too bad that BAD BREATH isn't a Judicial Matter. It would have made my past meeting attendance so much more enjoyable.

  • carla

    Do jw's ever teach the Christians are supposed to be a light to the world? How can they be a 'light' if they put themselves in a bubble? and not allow others to see it?

    Am I understanding this correctly? It is ok to let these sinful fornicators into their homes if they can be used for something like taking care of the elderly or helping out financially? but not ok if the parents don't need something material from the adult children?

    How many elderly jw's will in fact cut off all ties with their evil non believing children who only wish to help them in their old age? and what alternative provisions does the wt suggest or offer??!!! assholes.

  • sir82
    evil non believing children who only wish to help them in their old age?

    Haven't you heard? You must face the facts, you simply are not going to grow old in this system of things...or at least, that's what I read in an Awake magazine 40 years ago.

  • DaCheech

    well, there goes another one for my future!

    my kids gotta grow up someday!

  • garybuss

    To "condone" simply means to forgive. What's a sin about forgiving? I thought Christian philosophy assumed forgiveness.

  • Marjorie
    Hey, maybe this was one of the reasons my mom got DFd... hehe... she tacitly condoned me and my fiancee....

    Wait, what? When did this happen, A@G?

  • mrsjones5

    I have some experience with this subject.

    About 19 years ago I was 25, living at home, and finishing up the last remaining weeks of design school. I had been dating a young man for about three months and one night I didn't come home (he lived about 35-40 miles from my parents' house). My parents correctly surmised that the young man and I were sexually active (Duh!!) and my mother came to me one day while I was completing a project on my bedroom floor and said that she and Dad had talked and decided that I would have to be out of the house by September because they could not condone my lifestyle. I looked up at my mother and said fine, I'll be out before September. I graduated from design school in June, found a job that was closer to my boyfriend, and moved in to an apartment in August. All the while my mother begged me not to go.

    Meanwhile, my 18 year old brother had no curfew, was dating a worldly girl, and was sexually active too. Yep he was living at home. I think my mother had no idea what he was doing or just didn't want to know.


    P.S. Some jws will always pick and choose to do what they want. They will use any loophole they can. For some it's the only way they can stay sane.

  • purplesofa

    I hope they read this letter the same time they had the WT lesson on integrity

    from the WT

    (par 10 continues) Worse, though, they ignore the need for integrity. Since we are striving to keep our integrity, we do not look for loopholes. We do not try to get as close as we can to sin without being punished. We do not focus solely on the judicial consequences that an act of wrongdoing might bring. Rather, we focus on doing what will please Jehovah, avoiding what will hurt his feelings. Rather than seeing how close we can get to sin, we keep far away from it and "flee from fornication." (1 Cor. 6:18) We thus show that we are people of genuine integrity.

    I think the loophole here is, as long as an unbelieving relative that practices fornication is financially caring for and meeting the needs of a JW, the organization says it is all ok. The JW does not condone, but because they are needy, dependant, they can live in this situation and it's no a DF offense. And, it is not overlooked the letter clearly states that "but the qualification of the parent to serve in an exemplary position would be reviewed by the body of elders." So the elderly person because of this arrangement can be held back spiritually, thankfully they may not not be DF!

    If this is so hurtful spiritually, why not get the elderly person out of the care of sinners and have the WT care for them? As long as the gain is financial there will be a loophole.


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