So Far, How Do You Think President Obama's Doing?

by minimus 167 Replies latest jw friends

  • StAnn

    Beks, no one NEEDS an abortion. And perhaps you don't realize how much we work to help poor people, including pregnant women in crisis? I believe having an intact heart means that it's my duty to help a woman in crisis as well as her unborn child~open up your heart to both of them, not just the mother!

    Regarding poor women, I'm sure you know that most Planned Parenthood clinics are in poor, black neighborhoods, not in the midst of affluent neighborhoods. They are targeting the poor, whether you wish to accept it or not.


  • beksbks
    And perhaps you don't realize how much we work to help poor people, including pregnant women in crisis?

    Who is this we? Catholics?? My gosh, if they would come in to the 21st century and embrace nay, teach, birth control they would be doing the best possible work they could do.

    You are entirely missing the point. Wealthy folks don't need help, they can discreetly pay for thier own abortions. And they do. It's only poor women who need help in this regard. Of course planned parenthood is found in poor neighborhoods. That's the point, that poor women should not be trapped into birthing. In your superiority, you seem to think it's only the poor that have unwanted pregnancies. How very good of you to convince these poor women to bring children they can not care for in to the world.

    Last I saw, it was embryos being aborted, not children.

  • Priest73
    Last I saw, it was embryos being aborted, not children.

    That's why I'm a major supporter of handing out wire coat hangers at inner city high schools.

  • Priest73

    or grade schools.

  • StAnn

    Beks, I think you're missing the point. Most abortions are merely after the fact contraception. Wealthy women who abort, who can afford to raise their children, are the personification of selfishness. I feel that, if you choose to have sex, you should be willing to live with the consequences, especially if that consequence is a baby.

    And the "we" I was referring to was members of the pro-life movement, not just Catholics.

    And you can split hairs all you want about embryo/child, it's a human life and it has value.

    I think we've hijacked the thread. I for one shall stop. If you wish to continue this discussion, please PM me.


  • Ri

    He sounds good when in front of a Telepromtr but when ask a question he can't answer he sounds rather stupid. Hew Haw Hew Haw uh uh uh you know.

  • minimus

    He'll still sound smarter than our former President.

  • snowbird

    Priest73, what about suburban high and middle schools?

    Of what are you in favor of handing out there? RU-486?


  • flipper

    I think Obama is doing great, and off to a really good start. He inherited this economic mess from a selfish Republican administration who were in bed with the Ceo's and large corporations. I agree with Minimus - Obama's a hell of a lot smarter than Bush ( of course anybody is ) and if we give him time - he and his administration will pull us out of this economic crisis. It will take time - so everybody needs to be patient. It's not like you can put a bandaid on this economy overnight and heal it. It's gonna take time to do it right

  • Ri

    minimus it's sad that the only choice we have for a leader is men and women with huge EGOs. EGOs will always get in the way of a great President.

    If an elected President owes his voters what he has promised and can not deliver he then elects to steal from future generations. That is a sad day for Americans.

    So far this president is no better than the last few presidents we have had for leaders of the free world so to speak. He is steping on a dollar to save a dime.

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