So Far, How Do You Think President Obama's Doing?

by minimus 167 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt


    I've never heard of this writer. What do you think of this? Is he a Chicken Little?


  • ninja

    as someone said recently....imagine barack obama and other presidents as managers of mcdonalds......all the while the real owners are in the background REALLY running don't know them.....and you can't speak to them........or influence them.......that's your president....he does what he's told...or else

  • beksbks

    LWT, I'm not familiar with him, although I've heard of his book.

    Ninja, have you ever watched "Yes Minister"? I picture things about like that.

  • BurnTheShips

    Anti-BAIPA Obama would be proud and work to extend legal protection to this murderer. I grew up in the neighborhood where this happened:

    Hialeah abortion clinic denies throwing newborn away after botched procedure


  • beksbks
    Anti-BAIPA Obama would be proud and work to extend legal protection to this murderer

    Burn, you are beginning to scare me. Get some help.

  • sammielee24

    Obama....doing excellent!

    He's holding his white house meeting tomorrow - on health care!!!!!!! Yippee!!! He's not wasting time looking behind him and listening to Rushbag and minions fart to hear themselves speak. He's focused and on target. Rove should be in court in a few days....the memo's on Bush have come out for in line is the reversal of most of the land grabs that Bush and friends made. ..and he reversed the Bushwacking on unions....yippeeeee......I give the guy a gold star for his action so far. When you've seen the can only go up....Bush is out - Barack is in. sammieswife.

  • beksbks

    Sammie, I agree, there's little I am disappointed with so far.

    I can't even imagine what any of our other choices would be doing right now. He is the man for the job at hand.

  • sammielee24

    Beks..I listen to people like Rushbag and Hannity and all the other deluded fools that follow them and I shudder to think that there are still people who are so blind that they can actually believe that the old way is the only way. sammieswife.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Some of the comments here remind me an awful lot of "Animal Farm."

  • BizzyBee
    Some of the comments here remind me an awful lot of "Animal Farm."

    Yes, Doe! Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this. These right-wing nutjobs are very swine-like.

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