WT 15th April apostates / new light on miscarriages

by dozy 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • besty

    Us the GB guessing at stuff the Bible doesn't address (previously dead embryos being implanted in women in a Paradise earth....WTF) - thats called "further study and prayerful meditation"

    You the rank and file - well "really it seems best to avoid speculation."

  • sir82
    Expect an article clarifying this soon.

    I'll bet ya a nickel there's a talk on it at the summer district conventions.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I had a friend whose baby only lived a few hours. When she asked about a witness funeral, the elders got really nervous. They questioned her about the circumstances and then were relieved that the child had "taken a breath".

    The elders told her they could not have had a funeral or even have said a prayer at the gravesite if the child was stillborn. I was shocked at the lack of sympathy shown, even back then when I was fully indoctrinated. Lucky for her, the child had lived and breathed, so she could hope for a resurrection according to the jw rulebook.

    It is really twisted for the gb to think they have any say over what happens to anyone after they die. They just plain don't have a clue.

  • JWdaughter

    "As the Bible does not directly answer that question, there is no basis for humans to be dogmatic on that matter."

    Wow, they finally figure that out regarding unborn babies. . . yet they have been and continue to be dogmatic about all kinds of things that are never even brought up INDIRECTLY in the scriptures. Jeez.

  • rebel8

    Carla, I guess jehoho is a monster for creating the new light doctrine now.....I mean now he's not just clarifying vague things, he's contradicting himself on previously harsh teachings....only reason for that could be to hurt his followers. What a guy.

  • Quandry

    Anyone else notice the sentence " further study and prayerful meditation has led the Governing Body to conclude that such considerations do not really have a bearing..."? Are they in the process of changing the official teaching that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is made up of all the annointed?

    Yes, doubting Bro. I sure did. Right away. The GOVERNING BODY makes the conclusions.

  • yknot

    APOSTATSES criticize those in KH, Elders and GB......... Hmmm well then my circuit must be filled with them! Our recent CA highlighted the 'tribulations' we seem to be having with each other, Elders and organization etc!.......... desparate, just plain desparate!....better change up things or the next Pew Report will show only a 25% retention or LESS!...........Liberal GB/legal lurkers ...many of us who are considered 'retained' don't believe in the fairytale 1914 or appointment, we stay for family or because it is our religious social norm.....not because we have any faith in YOU

    Miscarriages..... Dumbass Men!

  • orangefatcat

    I wouldn't try to figure out the WTS reasoning for anything they do now what so ever. They have the audacity to say we are from the Devil. Ha, they have some bloody nerve. Who was it that committed fornication with the United Nations for 10 whole years, standing in the thing that is most disgusting thing to God. They messed with the Devil's earthly organizataion. They fornicated with the DEVIL and his NUMBER 666 riding on the HARLOT BABYLON THE GREAT THE WORLD EMPIRE OF FALSE RELIGION, Secondly, they knew they were in the wrong, because of the paper work involved in applying for statis as NGO's. They had to take an oath which included an allegiance to the UN. Oh they can tell the witnesses whatever whitewashed story they want but we know the real truth and so do the GB. Its okay they will have to answer to God like all of us.

    Now thirdly how many cases of Pedophilia has the WTS been charged with ? And continue to be charged with? How many blood issues and deaths caused hemophiliacs to die and transplant victims also, because the WTS said it was equal to cannabalism? How many witnesses have committed murders due to the extreme stress brought on them by the stringent live changes and stress that induces depressions because they are to live different from the rest of the world? How many suicides have resulted in the organization because families have been torn apart because one gets disfellowshipped or disassociated and the reasons may just be because they don't believe the organizaiton has the so called truth anymore. Or they die out of pure lonliness, or no comes to help them when they are widows or mothers of single children most of the elders don't give a rats ass, they have family's of their own and are trying to survive themselves let alone trying to help other families.

    Or they do research and find out that they have been lied to by the WTS for years and can't believe they have been betrayed. Lied to and decieved.

    And how many laws have the witnesses imposed upon witnesses when it wasn't even necessary? Did anyone hear that during a convention that the Society was given a parking lot free of charge for the witnesses to park in for the day and then the WTS turned around and charged the brothers for parking ? Now that is low even for them. Or how about the spy games the elders play? Their double standards. Have you ever known of a JW's being disfellowshipped for gluttony? I have never heard of any case where this has occured and I would be embarassed to even eat out in public or in their homes as they just keep shovelling it in and it is just so disgusting. They have no manners what so ever. I bet you have seen many witnesses that are huge and it isn't alway from health problems, its from fork problems. But they wouldn't think twice to disfellowship a person who asked a question that may border on apostacy, or what they think is apostacy. But they wouldn't disfellowship a person who was a know glutton. I wonder why?

    Quite frankly I think for the most part almost a huge percentage of witnesses are paranoid live in fear of the Big Trib and the Big A and this is eating them up inside out with fear. Kids are fearful as they never know what to expect at school to supress your kids in school it's terrible treatment for them and if you weren't a kid JW then you have no idea of what these young people go through. I was 13 when my parents converted to the JW's and I had no choice and by the time I could make a choice I was totaly brainwashed like everyone else. What a wasted life. I mean I don't mind giving glory to God but not to he witnesses.

    The Oranization wants your money, your land, your estates. anything they can get from you.

    And we are from the Devil. I think they need an attitude adjustment. Jesus aptly described them as offsprings of vipers and as dead bones in white washed graves . He knew what he was talking about.

    I can't wait until the day I am a priest and I will go to where ever the WTS hides out and pretend I am interested in there organization and request a complete tour of their facilities. Afterwards I will tell them thanks for the tour and by the I was a witness for 38 years and the organization is a rotten now as it was when I left.

    And this info regard miscarriages. Surely this is another ploy on their part to get sisters all excited and then will come the big let down later on when they change their minds. As the stomach turns. So does the WTS. Heaven help these poor down trodden and sincere witnesses I hope they get out before it is too late for them.


  • blondie

    I never got this and would say: "If babies who died before drawing breath aren't going to be baptized because they weren't alive, then why is a baby considered alive from conception and abortion is then wrong?

    Never got a satisfactory answer for that.

    I even brought out how a man would be put to death for causing a woman to lose her baby. But he would be resurrected but not the baby.

  • BluesBrother

    Practical questions? ..you bet ...

    My mother "sleeps in death", when I was faithful to the cause I looked forward to greeting her back in the ress.. (I have got over the disappointment of realising that this was not true) For the sake of argument let's assume that it is going to happen.

    In common with many, if not most ,women who gave birth in the first half of the twentieth century, her first child was stillborn. Mum went on to have others and she died at an old age. Now, in the Resurrections, my mother will be united with me and my sister and we would expect to have other siblings resurrected..That much we always believed.

    Now.."Come on mum you are going to be pregnant , all over again - even though you are (?) years old and been through grand-parenting and all..How do you fancy nursing a baby, sleepless nights, and ,well all that stuff that you women know better than I do" Isn't God wonderful?

    Now my father may not be there because he was savvy enough not to believe all this stuff. So my virtuous Mother is an unmarried mother !

    Of course a lot of resurrected men will have women pregnant with their children, except none of them are married any more..Do they have paternal responsibility? Do they have visiting rights? What if .....a million things.

    I cannot help but think that I sound like a Sadducee who sought to catch out Jesus with questions about the Resurrection...but he was Jesus not the vacillating G B ..

    I think that they should have left it as it was.

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