Is there a doctor in the house? Body builder?

by FiveShadows 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    I'm trying to restart my body building and have met several people that work out and train on a regular basis. I want to get healthy, partly over the fact that my health isn't doing too good. I'm very thin, but the deal is, my cholestrol level is bad. My doctor is suspecting that my enlarged liver is because of the cholestral level. I bought some Creatinea while back and protein powder and want to start using it again, however, i'm hestitant becuse of my enlarged liver. Does anyone know if this would further exacerbate an enlarged liver? I can't spend money on a doctor. I'm broke. What If i took the protein powder instead of creatine? I understand it is a monohydrate which allows water to enter your muslces however, i'm affraid it might further my enlarged liver. I'm not yellow, i don't have Jaundice, and I have been tested for Hepatitis and came back negative. So the only thing they're suspecting is my abnormal cholestral level (curse you mcdonalds!!!) so... Any comments?




    You Rang?..

    Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • recovering

    I work in the health field (Lithotripsy specialist). I would be concerned about kidney ailments ie. kidney stones with creatine suppliments

    Other kidney ailments may also result.

    I found this caution from a creatine manufacturer, If the manufacturer is admitting to these side effects, in view of your current medical condition I would exercise extreme caution. See a DR. before using any suppliments.

    Creatine side effects and cautionsNausea, stomach upset, dizziness or weakness, loose stools, diarrhea, and weight gain are the most common creatine side effects, and generally occur with creatine dosages greater than 5 grams a day. Another creatime side effect sometimes reported is muscle cramping. Strains and sprains can occur (perhaps even muscle tears?) when individuals over enthusiastically and rapidly increase their workout regimen before their tendons and ligaments have adapted to the increase in muscle size and power.
    Long-term side effects of daily creatine monohydrate ingestion, especially in high dosages, are currently not known. There is a possibility that excess creatine can put stress on the kidneys and liver. Creatine converts into creatinine which, in high dosages, could act as a toxin. Whether there is a potential for increasing the risk of cancer with regular high dose use is currently not known. I discourage the regular, high dose use of creatine unless frequent breaks are taken. Individuals with kidney disease should not use creatine.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Probably you know me from my stage name, Steve Reeves...

    No, not really. but I can offer some advice that I think is reasonable. I am pretty familiar with the work of Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer, among others.

    If your just getting back into it, probably you don't need any special supplements at all right now, just good balanced meals. Meat, eggs, chicken, fish, vegetables, grains.

    The function of a workout is to place increase demand on your muscles. The muscles grow to accommodate this demand while you are sleeping and resting. Muscle pump is not muscle growth.

    What is for certain is that you are older now than you were back in the day, so it is very likely that your recuperative ability has declined as your years advanced. This means you shouldn't work out every day, or even every other day. Work out twice a week for no more than an hour with each workout and take a five mile walk on the other days. Don't run, walk. If you can't walk five miles, then you should probably work up to that first before you hit the weights. Your patience will be rewarded.

  • asilentone

    see a nutrionist like Linda Page at in your area. If you have health insurance, it should help you to pay for the attention of the Doctor that you really need due to your enlarged liver, you can make financial arrangements with the Dr's office as how much you afford to pay after insurance each month. I wish you the best!

  • crazyblondeb

    If you have liver probs, I suggest you stay away from those chemicals!! Otherwise, you'll need more than one dr.


    What Nathan said is pretty good advice!!

  • BabaYaga

    One of the greatest things in the world for liver is the herb MILK THISTLE. It is so good at rebuilding and detoxifying the liver, in fact, that it is kept and used in emergency rooms in Germany to administer to those who ate poisonous mushrooms. It actually saves lives by detoxifying that quickly. Just google and read about its endless goodness.

    Good luck.

  • jaguarbass
  • jaguarbass

    A 180lb man who wants to build muscle needs about 4000 calories a day.

    A normal man at 180 lbs takes in about 1800 calories a day.

    a 180 lb man needs 1.5 grams of protein per pound of weight or about 450 grams.

    The average 180lb man takes in 35 to 70 grams of protein a day.

    If your going to do that you need about a galon of water a day.

    This info came from the Feb 2009 Muscle and fitness.

    You want to drink the shake before and after your work out 2o minutes before and right after.

    Lots of chicken breast, tuna, lean ground meat.

  • WingCommander

    This post interests me greatly as I have been regular at the gym for over 10 years now, and I had a stint one summer as trying to get myself very large, like a bodybuilder.

    Here is what I know: if you have liver problems, stay away from Creatine and especially protein. The last thing your liver needs is protein right now!!!

    So they're having a problem diagnosing your liver enlargement? Please have them test for Alpha-1 Antitripsyn Defeciency. Most people with Alpha-1 develop emphysema type symtoms, but some carry the genetic defect that causes the liver to start to fail.

    I myself am a carrier, and have discovered that even though I may never get this disease full blown, I am still more easily prone to develope forms of hepatitis and also fatty liver, etc.

    I urge you have your doctor run DNA phenotyping on you to at the very least rule you out. More people have alpha-1 than can be imagined. Check out on wikipedia for more info.

    You don't need short cuts like drugs to get you bigger. I did this one summer and nearly got kidney stones, even though I worked out 3 hours per day!!!! I drank GALLONS of water per day to try to flush my sytem correctly, and also cycled my intake. Did it for a summer, saw good results, but at what cost??? I will NEVER do this again. I was on creatine, protein rich diet, and also ephidrine when it was still legal. I worked out 2 - 3 hours per day, every other day. Did I mention I had a 22" neck and 54" chest when I was done?'s cool till you go to buy new clothes.

    I am now down to a 19" neck and 48" chest. I still have a hard time trying to find fitted dress shirts.

    Want to get big naturally? Find a great personal trainer at your gym, join Weight Watchers (yes, it really works - portion control baby!) and possibly see a nutritionist. Starving yourself does nothing but harm, and so does working out without proper training and instruction.

    Stay away from too much pasta, try and cut alot of dairy (especially cheeses), cut out all soda, eat organic, more veggies, leanest meat you can buy, more fish, etc. Eat out only once per week, and make that whatever you want as a reward for your work during the week. Plan all meals out for the entire week, and don't eat anything after 7:00 if possible. You must rethink and relearn how you eat. I've had many a personal trainer and nutristionist tell me: Eat like a King for breakfast, normal for lunch, and like a pauper for supper. This will distribute your energy correctly throughout the day.


    Wing Commander

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