Is there a doctor in the house? Body builder?

by FiveShadows 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vinny

    This is one high intensity liver cleanse. You will likely expel thousands of large and small stones filled with cholesterol and parasites.

    I've done two of these. Just be sure you have a full day off for the day after the cleanse. I'd hold back on any heavy lifting until you get your liver tests in check. Lighter weights are probably okay.

    Cardio would be great because you can really sweat out toxins and strengthen your heart and lungs.

    Good luck!


  • cameo-d

    What Baba said is GOOD GOOD GOOD.

    Read up on MILK THISTLE.

    What Vinny said is BAD BAD BAD. You do NOt want to do any "liver cleanses" without medical supervision. Some "cleanses" tell you to drink Olive oil. If you are already having liver problems, the last thing you want to do is drink a half cup of oil!!!! Some liver cleanses recommend lots of lemon juice. I knew a guy that went to a lemon juice fast for liver cleanse and ended up in the hospital. He was not even using real was that fake lemon juice in a plastic lemon.

  • Vinny

    "What Vinny said is BAD BAD BAD. You do NOt want to do any "liver cleanses" without medical supervision."

    **** That's bologna. Why medical "supervision"? Sure, ask the good doc about doing it first, if you are not sure. But DOING the cleanse with medical supervision is nonsense.

    My wife had elevated liver numbers and did this cleanse three times. Her numbers are now normal.

    I did the same cleanse twice and eliminated over a thousand stones. Our three kids did the cleanse when we were witnesses. All of them had these stones come out.

    One pioneer sister with severe liver problems took the cleanse and thanked us for suggesting it because it helped her so much.

    By cleansing your liver from toxins, stones, parasites etc, you are only helping yourself.

    Common sense 101.

  • cameo-d
    "What Vinny said is BAD BAD BAD. You do NOt want to do any "liver cleanses" without medical supervision."
    **** That's bologna. Why medical "supervision"? Sure, ask the good doc about doing it first, if you are not sure. But DOING the cleanse with medical supervision is nonsense.

    Why, Vinny? Because there is a lot of bogus information "out there" and one size does not fit all. What may be right for you can be the wrong thing for someone else. Just like the guy who used chemical fake lemon juice. Some people do not know what they are doing. And oil is definitely BAD for a congested liver and there could be serious gallbladder complications from doing some of these "internet" remedies.

    I would suggest advice and supervision from someone QUALIFIED in complimentary medicine.

    It is important to have someone qualified who knows what you are doing and is available to instruct and be on hand in case something goes wrong or there are unexpected complications.

  • recovering

    What you advocate is dangerous Vinny. Just because one person with a liver issue got away with a treatment does not mean that the treatment is safe for all people with liver disease. Common sense should guide you as you pointed out.

    1, Not everyone's body reacts the same to treatment.

    2, Not all liver ailments are the same. There are many reasons that liver enzymes are out of the normal range.

    3, the efficacy of such treatments have never been scientifically validated

    4, depending on the person such treatments may actually be harmful.

  • Vinny

    This cleanse works. I have done it. Wife has done it. Kids, friends and tens to hundreds of thousands of other people have done it. Read up on it if not sure

    There have been zero reported deaths or complications. But I do agree with asking for an opinion from his doctor if he has any doubts.

    "And oil is definitely BAD for a congested liver and there could be serious gallbladder complications from doing some of these "internet" remedies."

    **** This is why you drink epsom salts for seven hours before taking the olive oil. It opens up the liver and gall bladder bile ducts. Nothing else does this (that I know of). Then the full 3/4 to full cup of olive oil causes the liver to empty it's contents to deal with all that oil. All of which then makes it into and out of the large colon including all stones, many toxins and parasites.

    This is simply a suggestion from somebody that tried it and knows how it works. My wife's liver numbers and cholesterol readings all went down after doing this cleanse.

    I literally had meatball sized stones come out of my body. Just amazing the difference it made.

  • Vinny

    "What you advocate is dangerous Vinny. Just because one person with a liver issue got away with a treatment does not mean that the treatment is safe for all people with liver disease. Common sense should guide you as you pointed out."

    **** Like I said, ask your doctor if not sure. But this cleanse has been around and used for a long time by many thousands of people. It works. Suggesting (to somebody asking for liver advice online) to look into it is a reasonable thing to do, IMO.

    It has helped more people than you might realize. And with no reports of negative consequences, hospitalizations or death that I have ever read or heard about.

    Again, just look into it carefully and ask your doctor if any doubts.

    Or don't do it at all. I am just pointing it out. It worked for us.

  • recovering

    Vinny I am a health care provider (I am a Lithotripsy Specialist) Any gall stones would have to pass through the common bile duct, It's internal diameter is only 4mm to 11 mm. (The normal diameter is considered to be around 6mm over 8mm is considered dilated) the size stone you are describing passing would be impossible to get out of the liver, through the gall bladder, and past the common bile duct. What you are describing is most likely bile-stained "soaps" produced by partial saponification (soap formation) of the oil. It is considered that any stone over 5mm in size has a chance of getting lodged in the common Bile duct or in the Sphincter of Oddi.

    I am not trying to argue with you Vinny, just trying to present the facts.

    Here is a more scholarly look at the anatomy and Physiology of the biliary system if you are interested.,M1

  • cameo-d

    Just something that might be of interest and helpful.

    Diagnosing medical advice on the net:

    (directs you to credible sources)

    Three old home remedies that are BAD BAD BAD

  • Vinny

    What came out of my body were hundreds of small and dozens of medium sized stones filled with white, wax-like cholesterol. Most were emerald green in color. They were soft and and would never have come out unless I did that cleanse. They looked exactly like what you see here:

    Tens or probably hundreds of thousands of people have also done this cleanse with the exact same results.

    I do not know of any liver cleanse offered or suggested by those in the medical profession. It's considered a homeopathic remedy. I have found in many instances it is better to use BOTH the medical professional world as well as some homeopathic remedies when dealing with health issues.

    Just Google Liver cleanse:

    The FIRST page results (including the top three sites) are the very cleanse I posted.

    This is a well known, proven way to help people flush out their liver and gall bladder.

    This cleanse flat out works.

    And I have no problems with suggesting that others take a look at or even try it.



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