"Something in the congregation is hindering the flow of Jehovah's holy spirit" - witch hunt JW style?

by slimboyfat 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Wow. Just sitting here shaking my head at this one, how superstitious!

  • purplesofa

    I remember when there was not growth in the congregation, it was said that we (the congo) was greiving Jehovah's Holy Spirit.

    That Jehovah would work it out.

    It made us paranoid of everyone.



    SBF..The fact is..JW thinking is pretty much Stone Age......I remember Dr.David Suzuki talking about going with his wife to study a very primitive tribe..Just after he and his wife got there,the Goats stopped giving milk.....The tribe knew there could only be one reason for that!..David and his wife had brought Bad Spirits with them!!.....David knew both his and his wifes life were in danger..They immediatly left.............Jehovah`s Witness`s are no different than that primitive tribe..Tribal WarriorTribal WarriorTribal WarriorTribal WarriorTribal WarriorTribal Warrior.................................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They might be on a witch hunt.

    Another possibility is that the 'brother' is so fired with zeal that he expects he has been given an assignment to fix whatever is wrong there. I have seen a lot of these sorts moved in to congregations that are not 'growing', and they typically think they have been personally anointed by Jehhooober to solve whatever is hindering Hoooly Spirit.

    In the past 10 years there have been a dozen 'move in' elders and pioneers and MTS grads come to our little rural congregation here. Looks like a shifting, instead of a sifting to me. Nothing has seemingly changed in all that time and fret - not even the basic number of publishers in the congregation. The only major sinner against the Hoooly Spirit was likely me, when I became an evil apostate and dared to switch on my brain and leave. And all the haunt seekers missed it - three years later I DA'd. They hadn't even prepared a stake yet in order to burn me. Seems the HS did not give them very damned good assistance.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Nothing like some kid masturbating while looking at pictures of women's bras in the catalog to grieve the spirit in the Congwreckgation.

    Get rid of the kid and guess what... something else must be hindering the flow of Hojovah's spirit because hours are low, contributions are low, moral is low, and gossip is high. The hunt continues.

    B the X

  • shamus100

    I remember blathering from one 'sister' because she bought some second-hand clothes, and found it hard to go to meetings. She threw it out. The demons apperantley inhabited her blouse.

    ** sigh **

    And they're not superstitious. Um, okay.

  • wednesday

    They should equip all elders with divining rods http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divining_rod

    so they can find those sinners. lol

    I have seen this one so many times. They claim worldy people are superstitious -talk about the "pot calling the kettle black". Some are able to sniff out demons too, but that is another thread.

  • JimmyPage

    My wife and I fornicated before marriage and I think her sister suspected and blabbed to the elders. So we got talks from the podium about secret sins and how the building of the new Hall was not going to be blessed etc. Well, we never confessed and somehow the Hall got built. Just more proof that it's all crap.

  • LDH

    This witchhunt technique is the same one that Adolf Hitler used on his Hitler Youth. Used the kids to turn against the parents in that situation, but oddly enough the end result of both witchhunts is suspicions, forced confessions that may or may not be true, and distrust of the nuclear family.

    Things that make you go hmmmm.......

  • passwordprotected

    What JWs fail to grasp about the Holy Spirit is that it isn't restricted to operating at a corporate or congregational level. Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit dwells within us and operates through us producing its fruitage in our lives. JWs are led to believe that this only applies to the 144,000.

    JWs are taught that the congregation has the spirit, when according to the Bible it's the individuals. So, if a congregation has a bad spirit it's because it's full of imperfect people who are denied proper access to God's gift of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

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