I figured out what's been digging up my back yard!

by Elsewhere 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    My Grandpa used to hurt possom and jack rabbits with his greyhounds. I wouldn't eat the possums

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I can afford to buy my food so I never had need to kill one of the critters to eat.

    You really think that people only harvest their own game because they can't afford to buy food? My my, so naive and condescending.

  • oompa

    i hate those freaky bastards!...and many are rabid.....very sharp teeth too......and damm....hand upside down in trees by their tales?...like vampires........yuck..................oompa

  • sammielee24
    You really think that people only harvest their own game because they can't afford to buy food? My my, so naive and condescending

    I grew up with hunters....I'm hardly naive....sammieswife.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Possum stew

    1 big possum
    ½ cup olive oil
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    2 medium yellow onions, sliced
    4 carrots, cut in thick slices
    2 cups fresh or frozen corn
    3 strips of thick-cut bacon diced
    ½ cup tomato juice
    1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes
    1 tablespoon cornstarch
    2 Habanero peppers diced (wear gloves)
    ¼ cup white vinegar
    10-12 drops Tabasco
    salt and pepper to taste
    6 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced

    1. Rub possum with salt and pepper.
    2. Brown possum in olive oil in a large skillet.
    3. Transfer possum to large dutch oven or stock pot.
    4. Fill oven/pot 2/3 full with water.
    5. Add vinegar, onions, carrots, corn, and habanero peppers.
    6. Bring to boil and add bacon.
    7. Cover tightly, reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour.
    8. Bring to boil and add potatoes, garlic, tabasco, tomatoes and juice.
    9. Cover tightly, reduce heat and simmer for another hour.
    10. Make a no lump paste of cornstarch and warm water.
    11. Add enough paste to stew until thickened to wanted consistency.
    12. Add salt and pepper to taste and simmer 15 more minutes

  • restrangled
    hate those freaky bastards!...and many are rabid.....very sharp teeth too......and damm....hand upside down in trees by their tales?...like vampires........yuck..................oompa

    oompa, they are never rabid. Thier blood runs just cool enough to not carry rabies. The sharp teeth are for eating garbage in your neighborhood and have never been used on a human. They hang upside down like marsupials that they are,....only one of 2 in the United states.

    Snakes, rats, spiders and roaches a whole lot worse IMO.


  • TheSilence
    I don't think that means what you think it means.

    For Christmas I got my brother this sweatshirt: http://www.thewirelesscatalog.com/wireless/Item_Hello-My-Name-Is-Inigo-Montoya-Sweatshirt_VG7532S_ps_srm.html We are both huge fans of The Princess Bride. Neither of our significant others like it. I'm not sure why we're with them... Oh, yes.... and you! When I found you you were so slobbering drunk you couldn't buy brandy! ..... I admit it, you are better than I am! Then why are you smiling? Because I know something you do not know. And what is that? I am not left handed ..... To the death! No, to the pain! ..... You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is, "Never get involved in a land war in Asia." But, only slightly less well known is this, "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"

  • snowbird

    Does anyone know the difference in opposum and possum?

    I didn't until I was a grown woman.

    I agree with the posters who advised boiling the opossum first to reduce the fat. Also, boiling it with a piece of salt pork or other cured meat will take the "gamey" taste out.

    My mother used to boil it, then roast it and serve it with a platter of sweet potatoes. Yum yum!


  • Junction-Guy

    What is the difference Sylvia?

  • Quandry

    Opossums are scavengers and rarely stay in one place. We saw them all the time in Florida. In fact, I had one for a pet (actually, they don't make good pets, but we made a cage for it and I could carry it around). It was a tiny baby that was fending for itself. We fed it cat food for several months, until it was big enough to make it on its own.

    Maybe an armadillo is digging up the yard.

    Maybe a dingo ate your baby (I digress-that is from a movie-and Seinfeld).

    At any rate, why kill something-unless you really intend to eat it? That is why we have species that are vanishing from the earth today. See an animal, kill it-never taking into account the benefits to the earth that the creature makes.

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