I figured out what's been digging up my back yard!

by Elsewhere 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • sooner7nc

    They don't always roll up into a ball and play dead. Sometimes they run, but they're not very fast, so this is what you do. You kick the shit out of 'em. 2 or 3 times and they'll roll up in a nice little package. I don't know if they're playing dead, or just trying to make you stop kicking the shit out of 'em, but it works. If they start to unroll kick 'em again.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Nina's father used to have armadillos digging up their yard, but I've never seen a possum do it.

    We can bring Murphy over and he'll take care of that critter for you.

  • Gregor

    Possum, Oppossum, bandicoots, wallaby, wombat, kangaroos...on and on. Didelphidae is a large order of mammals generally called marsupials that gestate their young in a pouch.

    They are not rodents. I agree that the digging sounds exactly like armadillo behavior, not possum.

  • sooner7nc

    I agree with Gregor. The digging is characteristic of armadillos, the little "armored personnel carriers" of the woodlands. Don't try to kick them, it hurts the toes.


  • leavingwt

    Armadillo -- yet another delicacy in Louisiana.

    They refer to it as "Possum on a Half-Shell".

  • snowbird

    Possum, native to Australia, New Zealand. Plural is possa.


    Opossum, native to the Americas. Plural is opossums.


  • StAnn

    I find it hard to believe one could mistake an armadillor for an opossum.

    Whatever it is, kill it and eat it. In today's economy, we all need to develop these skills!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    If you're not in a survival situation, I would urge you to "live and let live." The opossum isn't threatening you in any way, and as others have pointed out, it may not be the culprit in your lawn destruction. Did you actually see him digging?

    If you feel you must yield to your hankerin' for opossum or your blood lust, I will mention that the first step in cooking your opossum is cleaning it - skinning it and gutting it. Do you know how to do this? If you don't skin it and gut it, it will taste different than it should. You can tan the skin and make a fashion statement with it - maybe wear it as a hat or something. Daniel Boone had his coon-skin hat.

    But I would plead for the little guy's life. He may save your life someday in return. OK, probably not, not who knows, maybe there's a one in a billion chance that he would, and he would do it proudly and compassionately, perhaps. Maybe. But if he's dead and cooked he'll never have the chance, and you will be doomed, calling out for opossum salvation that never arrives.

  • snowbird

    Lol at Nathan.

    Did anyone mention moles?

    Sooner, why are you so set on kicking something?


  • Elsewhere
    The opossum isn't threatening you in any way, and as others have pointed out, it may not be the culprit in your lawn destruction. Did you actually see him digging?

    That's what I'm inclined to do. As before... I prefer to do my killing by proxy. (At the grocery store meat department)

    So far I have seen countless birds, four or five squirrels and one opossum.

    I've never seen any of them digging up the yard. But something is doing it!

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