I figured out what's been digging up my back yard!

by Elsewhere 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    They will play dead and then all you have to do is hit them over the head with a shovel.

    I'll just open a new Bate's Hotel and Eatery.

    *** Cue Psyco Music ***

    I think I'll first try using Fox Scent. I found some info that says possums are afraid of fox.

  • restrangled


    He's pretty cute, and just a small one, would you really want to eat your neighborhood garbage eater?

  • StAnn

    In real life, Possums aren't cute.

    Do you eat chinese food in chinese restaurants? If you don't mind eating stray cat, I don't mind eating Possum.


  • Elsewhere

    Anyone remember the ROUS's in the movie Princes Bride? Opossums looks just like that, only smaller.

    Ugly little buggers!

  • TheSilence



  • Elsewhere

    I don't think that means what you think it means.

  • leavingwt

    Some folks here in MS eat them. Our neighbors in Louisiana are famous for eating them.

    True story...I once saw a lady retrieve a dead one from the road. I just know she ate it. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would swear it doesn't happen.


  • cameo-d

    Are you sure its not an armadillo digging up the yard? They are famous for that.

    I have encountered a possum several times over the years. They were always shy and either ran away or hid behind the nearest thing and played dead.

    How would a person get bit? I did not think possums would be aggressive at all.

  • jaguarbass

    I think I got some eating up my yard also, I saw some about 5 years ago. I havent seen any since but I got a lot of holes in the yard.

  • sammielee24

    We had possums and raccoons - they would eat the cat food. They're pretty darn cute and we had no problem with them or the raccoons...I can afford to buy my food so I never had need to kill one of the critters to eat. sammieswife.

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