Florida woman fired for saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy holidays!

by Witness 007 51 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JeffT

    Yeah but do you say to a guy in a skull cap who is obviously Jewish

    "Oy Vey, It's Christmas"

    I used to work for a company that was owned by three Jews and a family friend (who was frequently referred to as the token goy). We almost send out Christmas cards one year with the above on them. We did send out cards every year, and had a tree in the office, a big Christmas party etc. I hate this happy holydays stuff too.

  • beksbks

    If a company can require a worker to wear a stupid uniform and a silly hat, or insist that they offer crispy golden french fries, they certainly can require that the employee's say happy holidays. It doesn't have a darn thing to do with PC, it's about money. If they feel their non christian customers are going to enjoy shopping with them rather than the competition, they will do whatever it takes. Lest we forget, there are other holidays that take place at this time of year. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Muslim New Year, and Buddha's Enlightenment to name a few. I work at the public library in one of the most ethnically diverse area in the country. I say have a great holiday to patrons for a couple of reasons. Even if they do not celebrate any religious holidays, they do get a holiday from work.

  • abbagail


    Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit our best wishes for
    an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress,
    non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice
    holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious
    persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with
    respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others,
    or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all...

    ...and a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically
    uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar
    year 2009, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of
    other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America
    great, (not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other
    country or is the only "AMERICA" in the western hemisphere), and without
    regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith,
    or choice of computer platform of the wishee.

    (By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting
    is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with
    no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the
    wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others,
    and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole
    discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected
    within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or
    until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes
    first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of
    a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.)


    Is that what all the crybabies want the world to come to?

    A "legal document greeting"?

    That was from a Mac group email list back in 2002... year updated to 2009 for those poor lost souls who have been duped by the elitist propaganda of "diversity" and "tolerance" and are succumbing to "Global Group Think" and the Thought Police.


    Anyone who is "offended" by a simple sincere greeting from WHOEVER, whether they say Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever, need to simply grow up and get over themselves.

    Just say Thank You and move on.

    If anyone is really "offended," it's probably because you have been "TAUGHT" to be "offended" by the same Group Think propagandists.


    Now go get a big kiss under the mistletoe, lol, and have a Vwery Mwerry CHRISTIAN Holiday!

  • beksbks

    Happy first day of Muharram abbigail!

  • Mary
    hamsterbait said: Mary - Nobody would wish you happy Ramadan! If you were in Teheran, the men would be soo shocked that a gorgeous strumpet like you dared to walk openly in the street they would be calling down the curses of heaven on your voluminous hairdo.

    LOL....Aren't you a sweetie for saying that. Actually, they'd be doing a bit more than calling down the curses of heaven upon me-----I'd most like either be beheaded, publically hanged or shot within 5 minutes of me stepping foot on their soil.

  • NeonMadman

    The supposed 'right not to be offended' was invented by the politically correct crowd as a means of advancing their own social agendas. We can't have public expressions of religion (including such things as wishing people a Merry Christmas) because people not of that faith might be offended by them. Unfortunately, when pushed far enough, the right not to be offended trumps every other right - the right to free speech, press, assembly, religion, etc. If I have to curb what I say because I need to worry that my speech might offend you, then I have lost my freedom of speech. Indeed, freedom of speech presupposes that some people will be offended by what others say; if such offense would never occur, then freedom of speech would never be an issue.

    The other principle often raised in this context is that of the "separation of church and state." We can't have public displays of nativity scenes, for example, even if the vast majority of the people in a community want one, because non-believers might be offended, and any public display is seen as a violation of the "separation of church and state." However, such an interpretation of the separation principle is a recent distortion. The meaning of separation of church and state, as originally stated, was that the state had no power to interfere in any way with the public expression of religion. Under the original meaning of the term, a nativity scene in a town square, a valedictorian in a public high school mentioning her faith in Jesus as a source of inspiration, or a prayer said in opening a town meeting would all be expressions of the separation of church and state, not violations of it. The people's right to practice their religion in public was absolute; government had no power to prevent such things. However, in recent years, secularist judges have enforced a new meaning on the concept of separation that is 180 degrees from the meaning attached to it by the Founders.

    And, if you think about it, the whole idea that religion should be kept out of the public square and should be practiced only in the privacy of one's home is a very large step toward the outlawing of religious practice entirely. In the most totalitarian anti-religious regimes of all time - Nero's Rome, Stalin's Russia, Mao's China and others - people had the freedom to worship God in the privacy of their own homes as long as nobody found out about it. Who could stop them from doing that? I disturbs me that our society seems to be headed in that same direction, where any public expression of religious faith will be seen as a crime.

    Sorry, didn't mean to get off on a rant, but the implications of the whole "Merry Christmas" controversy go way beyond one time of the year, imho...

  • SPAZnik

    Dayam, is religion ever political. Personally, I'm tired of hearing each side whine about the other. I'd like to knock their heads together and call it a day.

  • ninja

    under the guise of political correctness and tolerance ...we are coming under the most intolerant regime ever......"papers please"!!....

  • mkr32208

    Bottom line DID IT REALLY HAPPEN? This sounds like one of those witness stories that always happened to someone who knew someone who knew someone... Fox news in a right wing christian station that is constantly looking for something (made up or otherwise) to get their collective panties in a bunch over. How they are considered a 'reputable' news source is beyond me! If this story was on the 700 club would anyone care?

    See here's the thing Fox news believes that the biggest threats to our way of life are muslims, atheist and gays (and probably blacks) However the days of whipping up the mob against any of these groups is pretty much over! Pope Greggory can no longer call for a crusade! When Bush launches a modern crusade (it was whether you admit it or not) public support withers quickly. So what is a foul beast like Rupert to do? Well make up offenses! Widen the gulf! Make these groups EVIL! Make the other group (that is STILL a clear majority) feel threatened, persecuted and harrassed by the small minority!

    Have any of you WATCHED Fox news? Hour long programs on why Muslims are ALL evil. Hour long programs on how atheist want to sneak into your homes and make you engage in homosexual intercourse! (slight exaggeration on #2 but NOT much!)

    This whole thing is a manufactured issue. Was this woman REALLY fired for that or was this an Ann Coulter wanna be getting wet for the inevitable interview with Sean Hannity and being SO over the top obnoxious that she KNEW she was making an issue?

  • beksbks

    Neon, your arguments are fantasy.

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