Hello to all who knew me...

by Joyzabel 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Hi Joy- What a positive and inspiring post. You and your former husband were among the very first xjw's that we found online after leaving the organization, just under 5 years ago now. I have lost track of your email now, and if you have the opportunity, I would love to have it again to stay in touch from time to time. We too, are spiritual without religion. Mrs AKJeff is in her first semester of university studies [at age 51], and I have been accepted but have not yet begun studies. Peace to you. Jeff

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Hola, chica! How are your daughter and grandbaby?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Joy!!! It's good to hear an update from you. I feel bad now I've done a poor job in not keeping up.

    Dancing eh? Well with the cycling you've been doing, I know you're in shape for it. And I'm sure you're fantastic at it as well. Just don't tell Nina, I don't want her getting any ideas. I'm god awful at anything approaching dancing!

    I hope all is well with the kiddos?

    One of my favorite memories is when you took my kids on their first trick or treating. Good times.

    Be well,


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Almost forgot

    but there were some of us dance buddies that chartered a sailboat in the British Virgin Islands last spring for a wonderful week of sailing.

    Did you get to Tortola? There used to be a great little place right on the beach at Cane Garden Bay called The Bomba Shack. It was the kind of place Valis would love, one reason in particular, but good dancing.

  • stillajwexelder

    hey - and have a cool yule

  • lawrence


    It's great that things are going well! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season.

  • Dagney

    What an inspiring story!

    Thanks for checking back in with us! Best wishes and Happy Holidays!

  • Robdar

    Hello! I was thinking about you just last week. Thank you for the update. I hope your holidays are joyous.



  • orangefatcat

    Wow, Joy how are you girl? So good to see your post. It has been ages since I have seen you post now I know why, you very busy, happy fun loving person. Are you sure you can stand all that happiness Joy? I am so happy for you. You are one person I miss in here. You know what last Christmas I sent you a card and it was returned and now I see why you have moved. I wish I had the bodily strength to do just a portion of what you can do. But that is not going ever happen, but I am thinking of returning to the swimming pool. I have moved to, at the end of April I moved into Assisted Community living. or ACL I have my own large apartment and live independently however I have Personal care workers who clean my apartment and do my laundry, help with meal prep. I have three suppers in a dinning room a week,. Some wks it is four times a wk. They help with personal care showers and helping with dressing and take garbage out or anything I may need assistance where they remind you of your medications appointments . So it is a very good service and a big help to me. And I also have lifecall emergency response service. That is if i should fall or injure myself in anyway, Living alone now I need in case the nurse or workers can't get to me fast enough. I am not sure if you knew or not that I remarried in Greek god, :) just kidding his name was Marco,and we had a fantastic life together and last July he passed away. I miss him terribly. But I have moments of joys and tears, laughter when I think of him. And many wonderful memories. I know he is in a far better place and out of pain. That is all that matters is that he is no longer suffering. It is so good to see you in here for a visit. I wish you all the success in the world Joy and may your Christmas be filled with many blessing and may you have a Happy New Year and that 2009 brings your wonderful things. God Bless, Orangefatcat Terry

  • StAnn

    Joy, we've never met. But I used to be thin because I went dancing every Friday and Saturday night! Then I moved out of state and haven't easily found another place to dance~and got fat.

    I think I'm going to take up dancing in the New Year. It's a great resolution and a great way to get fit again! Doesn't West Coast Swing require a partner, though?


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