announcement at service meeting last night

by isaacaustin 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    This topic just tickles my funny bone! I think I could write & illlustrate a very amusing children's type of book on the 'The Bell Ringer'. I can imagine it in a Dr. Suess style, much like the 'Bee Watcher'. Too bad there is such a small audience for such a book and outsiders would not get the subtleties needed.

  • cameo-d

    Sounds like a "Project Pigeon".

    There is something deeper here that we are all missing. There is a madness to this method. There is some sinister reason for this behavior modification.

  • snowbird

    Lockstep conformity?


  • chickpea

    the hits just keep on happening!!

    what a load of malarkey

  • minimus

    Will they get that light or music playing in the background like they do at the Oscars?

  • AllTimeJeff

    This sounds like a rouge elder/elder body. Something that severe would be with a letter. This wouldn't be the first time an elder got chewed out for overtime meetings by the CO and respond with an over-reaction.

  • freetosee

    I agree with Jeff! We had a ex-bethelite special-pio elder who introduced the bell to the TMS. It didnt last long. Congregation and other elders did not like it! That elder was so proud at first, also having a young boy taking the time and ringing the bell... I remember the bell ringing being the custom in Denmark!

  • undercover

    I just remembered while catching up on this thread that one congregation I was in used a kitchen timer.

    As soon as the first word came out of the speakers mouth, they set the timer for the allowed time and when time us up...."DING"...eggs are done!

  • freetosee

    lol... well, we were more sophisticated: we used a triangle!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I never really thought about the ringing of the bell. My "talks" never went overtime. I hated the 'school" and always ran short. Now that I think about the whole scenario, it is pretty crazy. Kinda rude too.

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