Well, Well, seems the global economy is falling apart more & more

by unbaptized 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Apocalyptic fear mongering cults like the JWS feed of peoples fears and ignorance to gain support and money, there is no relation to reality what so ever in this thinking. There happy now Fear dilutes critical thinking doesn't it
    Free lesson for you, Homer: Jehovah's Witnesses, amongst other apocalyptic fear mongering cults, feed off of many people's fears and ignorance to gain support and money. (CORRECTED, GRATIS) There is no relation to reality whatsoever in this manner of thought. (THE AUTHOR, YOU, MUST NOW EXPLAIN WHY THEY BELIEVE THIS TO BE THE CASE). Incidentally, the above would better be stated as: "This manner of thought is delusional." (In grammar, especially written, less is more.) Which could be further reduced to: "Jehovah's Witnesses, amongst other apocalyptic fear mongering cults, feed off of the fears and ignorance of delusional people to gain support and money." There happy now (I'M ALWAYS HAPPY. IT COMES FROM WITHIN). Fear dilutes critical thinking doesn't it (YES, IT DOES. AND YOU SEEM AFRAID TO VIEW YOUR THINKING IN A CRITICAL MANNER. WHY IS THAT?) BA- Blessings. PS- I have not been to a KH since '99, nor do I ever intend to be, barring a funeral of a loved one.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The bible in my own understanding and others is just a gathering of ancient manuscripts of ancient mythology and of course written history,

    and nothing more, it documents well the history of human ignorance as it logically should. Nevertheless people seem to think its a connection to the spiritual world

    and that the God of the universe has put special meanings and messages in its writings. .... DOH !

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    The summary of your thoughts goes without saying.

    There are many who feel as you do.

    I have read many of the same documents, much of the same research, yet I have not lost faith in God, nor the Bible.

    That is because I put faith in God, not men, and I realize that everything that we "learn" and think we "know" is nothing more than someone else's opinion.

    I chose to develop my own opinion.

    I did that by hitting the "reset" button after leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    That meant I read the Bible with no preconceptions, and had faith that God would reveal to me what it meant, sans other's opinions on the Bible.

    After years of study as an individual, I met others who had done the same.

    Guess what?

    We all came to the same, or at least a compatible, conclusion.

    That is what God's Holy Spirit will do for you or anyone else who calls on Him continuously.

    And that is no small miracle.

    BA- I pray for you, my brother.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I apologize BA for being so gruff and insensitive in my comments,

    Its just that unbaptized posted this exact same thread topic about a week ago, the banality of it just ticked me off.

    I've come to realize that he's most likely a JW troll , that out to post nothing but irritating topics to the people that use this forum,

    then leave and not continue in a discussion.

    I should have realized this by now, we do get those people here now again

    Cheers HTA

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    We have no idea how good this crisis is actually going to be for us all. Greed has fuelled the inflated economy, poisoned our nature and cut out countries and lands that really need to move forward and get a piece of the cake. Well maybe that just might happen now. We can all stop up and think about what we do with this life we have. Do we need huge cars? Do we need every electrical gadget on the market? Do we need out of season vegetables shipped all around the world from developing countries? When we are faced with tightening out belts maybe we should just count our blessings. Try and google a country like Rumania...I have stories to tell from there that are so sad they are not to believed. They have nothing...nothing!

    I hope we all learn from this...I have. I have been poor in my life up until I was in my 20s, now I am well off, yet I can never just spend, spend...it is ingrained in me to be careful.

    So enjoy your holidays, dont let this crisis take away the future possiblilities...this could bring us together more than we ever could think.

    Chicken little

  • shamus100

    I don't see another soul agreeing with you, BA other than this person that rarely posts - probably a troll.

    Other than calling people dunces, twits, and then praying for people, you've made no point.

  • ninja

    ding ding....ninja's conspiracy bus here....room for some more peeps on the top deck....vrooooooooooooommmmm...............beep beep

  • sacolton

    The sky has been falling for the Jehovah's Witnesses since ... well, 1877.

    1877 'The End Of This World; that is the end of the gospel and the beginning of the millennial age is nearer than most men suppose; indeed we have already entered the transition period, which is to be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation Dan. 12:3." (N.H. Barbour and C.T. Russell, Three Worlds, and the Harvest of This World, p. 17).

    I wonder how many times their virgins had to snuff out the wicks of their oil lamps after trimming them so much?

  • Mary
    Is it just me or does it seem like a major tribulation brewing?

    It's just you.

  • Borgia

    A true Christian JW troll (TM)



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