"Draw close to God, and he will"....never speak to you.....

by oompa 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gymbob


    All of the above mentioned people or groups you listed were able to find, the "centered stillness" of their being. Gymbob

  • truthsetsonefree

    This always bothered me. Even as a kid I rarely prayed because this person never responds. I felt like a crazy person praying. Over the years I found occasion to buy into religious thinking as to why he says nothing and how he responds. But in this day and age when wehave things like the SETI project...well this guy should know that man won't be freaked out if he speaks. After all he's alleged to have spoken to pre-modern humans.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I haven't talked to myself in 8 months... I'm not a nut job anymore

    While I'm an atheist, I am open minded... I will definitely believe in God if he talks to me, although I think he should communicate with everyone, or perhaps carve his laws next to the Presidents on Mt Rushmore with "the finger of God"..

    Til then, I don't pray, I just give God the finger

  • jaguarbass

    so my mind was wandering, and i have been wondering what it would take for me to get ANY of my faith back

    Faith is kind of like the elastic in your underwear, when it gets stretched out to far, it never comes back.

    Either your dumb and young and full of ... or your innocent as a sheep to the slaughter.

    But once your eyes are open and you have knowledge of whats going on, your kicked out of the garden of peace, faith, and tranquility, just like Adam and Eve.

  • Dagney

    For 40 years, when anything, and I mean anything happened for the good, it was "god's hand" that made it so. When anything unfortunate happened, it was "satan testing us."

    When I left, it still felt like "god's hand" was showing me the way; everything, and I mean everything seemed to point me along the path away, as I prayed on bloodied knees for wisdom and truth. I felt I developed wisdom and saw more truth than I ever expected possible.

    Along the path, through personal bible reading and research, I began to get angry with god. He didn't seem so nice and lovey by history and future predicted actions. I grew silent with the prayer thing. The utter destruction leaves me cold.

    Now I realize disease and accidents or such things happen, choices are the major factor in most outcomes, and strange and wonderful coincidences happen everyday if you are conscious of them. I think I still have a fair amount of wisdom although not praying for it. And mostly, I am at peace and happy everyday without waiting on what I perceive is a sky daddy doling out "blessings."

    I don't know the big outcome for life as we know it. But in everyday life, it is up to me...me thinks.

  • Robdar
    Robdar: Two way communication involves listening skills. It also involves knowing how to communicate.

    Very good Rob, and thanks for agreeing with me. To be my friend and to get to know God, I too, feel like communication involves listening skills. Funny thing is that I have started every single conversation with God! Thanks for helping me see that maybe God just has very poor listening skills! Cause he has never replied to me in over 40 years...not once.

    Robdar: When you talk to God, do you first draw close in love and then begin talking?

    This was very helpful Robdar, but I kind of think that would be moving way too fast for me....I just feel we should be friends FIRST...and then get into the I LOVE YOU thingy.

    Robdar: Or do you just ramble on and on with you being the chief subject of conversation? Learn how to be silent. Learn to be still. It is only in the centered stillness of your being that you will ever hear God answer.

    I mostly just ramble on since no mater how many probing questions I ask, and beg to get to know him...he STILL won't talk to me dammit! I feel really stupid when i ramble on like that...cause since he already knows everything about me...in and out...why the hey am i talkin anyway? It seems like since he know more about me than me him...that HE should start the conversation dammit!

    But anyway, I just tried it your way....I went to a dark bedroom and knelt down with my arms on the bed.....I became very silent......I even centered my being in stillness.....and had an intensely heartfelt....one way conversation again with the Almighty....Robdar, since this two-way communication thing requires listening skills would you PLEASE talk to him about his need to improve in this area...and get back to me with his response on this matter....i mean...i don't mean to complain but after 40 plus years of multiple prayers a day...i would really like a little two-way converstion....Thanks Robdar...............oompa

    Gee Oompa. Tell us how you really feel. No, really, don't hold back. Sorry buddy, but God isn't the only one that doesn't want to talk to you tonight.

  • Robdar

    Gymbob, I had a really good date and am in a fine mood. And I have no desire to hang out on such an embittered thread. You have a pm.

  • startingover


    Right now, I have places to be and people to do.

    Now that's an interesting statement. This really isn't an embittered thread, IMO, did you have a place to be and not get done?

  • LouBelle

    Perhaps your concept of what / who god needs re-thinking? Most people look 'without', looking to some kingly personage. . . Perhaps you need to look within?

  • DazedAndConfused

    Worldly Person:Is it true that if we do not know about God, we cannot sin and go to hell?
    Missionary:Yes, that is what we believe.
    Worldly Person: Then why did you tell us?

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