"Draw close to God, and he will"....never speak to you.....

by oompa 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • abbagail

    I agree, Ooomp... if God was "stretching" your "patience factor" for a reason, I would think 40 years is plenty enough! That puts you right up there with Moses in the backside of the wilderness for 40 years (BEFORE he was ever sent to Pharoah).

    Maybe your big assignment is on it's way... To Pharoah! And be sure to carry a big stick. ;-)


    "my point was that if Jesus is perfect and is = to the Word of God....then it should be perfect too."

    I know, dear Mr. O... but I guess after the initial/original HS-inspired writers, He was willing to allow the rest of the scribes/translators to carry it forward through time, boo-boo's and all, for better or worse. I'm sure he has a reason... Maybe it's to make us PRAY FIRST (rely more on Him) before we read so He can still show us whatever He wants us to see (???).


    Ships, I like that "dark night of the soul" expression. Am familiar with it as well.

    They say when the Lord shuts one door, He always opens another, but IT IS HELL IN THE HALLWAY.

    Don't we all know it, too!

  • oompa

    Robdar...so did god kill 70,000 innocent jews or not?...and did he make a rule for virgins that are raped have to marry their rapist?......I dont get it...all translations say this.......oompa

    help me out here guys!....stuff like this has always bothered me

  • Robdar

    Robdar...so did god kill 70,000 innocent jews or not?...and did he make a rule for virgins that are raped have to marry their rapist?......I dont get it...all translations say this.......oompa

    help me out here guys!....stuff like this has always bothered me

    Oompa, the Jews don't even belive this stuff. Why do the Christians? Why do you?

    My friend, we need to get started on those beers.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Yes oomps, it doesn't matter which translation you use.

    The Bible condones slavery, rape, concubinage, and murder of apostates.

    Not exactly my kind of moral standards. In any translation.

    I agree with you, man, he's never spoken to me either, and I don't expect him to. If he does, he's gonna get an earful too.

  • Robdar

    Christians crack me up. LOL

  • gymbob


    You said, "it is only in the centered stillness of your being that you will ever hear God answer". Now, what does that have to do with what is "hinted at" in the book of Luke?

    I haven't responded to your pm because I'd rather post on this forum instead of talk on the phone. As I was leaving the witnesses, I had several phone conversations with elders and other witnesses who later claimed to have not said what they said. So, I now prefer to have words down in print to respond to. Gymbob

  • Robdar


    You said, "it is only in the centered stillness of your being that you will ever hear God answer". Now, what does that have to do with what is "hinted at " in the book of Luke?

    I haven't responded to your pm because I'd rather post on this forum instead of talk on the phone. As I was leaving the witnesses, I had several phone conversations with elders and other witnesses who later claimed to have not said what they said. So, I now prefer to have words down in print to respond to. Gymbob

    That's fine Gymbob. I respect that. But you must also respect that I do not feel like going to the trouble of posting a whole bunch of information that you can easily research yourself. As a matter of fact, I suggest you do so since you are responsible for your own path and own salvation as I am mine. Happy trails.

  • hillbilly

    Hi Robs...glad you had a date.

    Ooomp and the rest... to many negative waves. You may be hurt by the JW thing but dont get JW ism or religion in general confused with GOD or Jesus or faith. Religion just screws that stuff up beyond reason.

    Get quiet and God will speak to you. I take a little from everyone I speak with...everything I read. The modern Jews have a handle on a few things so do some of the eastern religions.

    "Do unto others"... will get you just about all you ever need on this astral plane. 'Work will set you free' takes care of about everthing else.

    People run so hard some times... the mind never heals. Be alone and see what fills the void. Dont squat on your spurs.

    ~ Jeff

  • oompa

    If somebody tell me to get quiet one more time i am gonna frikkin scream my head off nonstop!!!.....lol..........oompa

  • Robdar
    If somebody tell me to get quiet one more time i am gonna frikkin scream my head off nonstop!!!.....lol..........oompa

    You can scream frikkin bloody murder until the middle of next year and it will still be universal truth that you will have to learn to be quiet and listen before you will ever hear and comprehend what God is saying to you. ~hands throat lonzenges to Oompa~

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