Thought I'd properly introduce myself

by JW Walking Away 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    Hello, Walking, nice to meet you.


  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    welcome! we're all great people. ^^ ENJOY!

  • orangefatcat

    Welcome to the board. Well it is nice to meet you. So glad you had the chutzpah to get up and just leave, that elder had some nerve let me tell you. If it had been me I would have told him if he didn't like that I was ministering to my sick sister then he could pay for a nurse to stay with her and someone to keep the baby for a week until she was able to come home. That would have shut up the idiot in two split seconds. What a stupid moron. Some of the elders are just so ignorant they have virtually no idea how to be kind and loving any more, its so cut and dry, why aren't you at the meetings. why aren't you in the service, why haven't you got your magazine studied and you've missed the last three book studies, Do you realize sister you are in serious trouble you can become spiritually shipwrecked. Are you still praying to Jehovah and are you doing personal study.... yada yada yada. Some of them think that they are judge jury and executioner all wrapped up in a happy meal without a surprise inside. orangefatcat

  • Gayle

    I am so happy to hear ones like you, walking away, peacefully, gaining much good, relatively quickly. With the Internet and so much information available, more wonderful people like you can walk away not in a total fog, not wasting years of quality life, not in spiritual or emotional limbo. May more people walk away more quickly and with less scars and with freedom!

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Glad you made it to the board.... hope you stay on as we transition to the new version .....

    Snakes ()

  • FlyingHighNow

    This wonderful song is dedicated to you and all lurkers and really any former JW's and ones still stuck going to the hall to preserve family:

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Hey that is a smart thing to do attend another church right away!

    I hope many people will read your story and follow your good example.

  • observador

    The Witnesses believe that whenever someone leaves the organization, his/her life will go downhill with no chance of improving.
    They believe there is no way you can be happy, after all you left the happiest people on earth.

    So, if you are able to show consistently by your attitude that this is not the case, you cannot believe the state of confusion you throw their minds into. If you can couple that with a non-confrontational, tolerant, soft approach, free of bitterness language whenever you have any contact with the Witnesses, you may be planting a seed in their minds that could make a powerful difference years from now.

    Thanks for sharing.


  • AgentSmith

    Welcome JWWA. Those elders and with their uncaring attitude actually did you a favor. They are so hung up on the rules, that they have no compassion. Shows how conditional the love in the congregation is. ...Very glad to hear that the baby and mom is ok now. God Bless you and your family. Agent Smith

  • wobble

    A Warm Welcome!!

    Well done,and thanks so much for your story,it' has brightened my day!

    Love,peace and wellbeing to you and yours,


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