Thought I'd properly introduce myself

by JW Walking Away 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amha·’aret

    Welcome to the board.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your story. Very interesting to read. And what an uncaring bunch of elders they were! Mind you, if they'd been nice to you, maybe you would still be there!


  • JW Walking Away
    JW Walking Away
    This wonderful song is dedicated to you and all lurkers and really any former JW's and ones still stuck going to the hall to preserve family:

    Thanks, that is a great song. I forgot I even liked Cat Stevens,lol

  • JW Walking Away
    JW Walking Away

    Hey that is a smart thing to do attend another church right away!

    I hope many people will read your story and follow your good example.

    Let me tell you it wasn't easy after being told by JWs what churches were like and how demonized they are. The first time I went, I was just with my kids. My hubby was still turned off by the JWs but he now attends with us. Anywho, I was SCARED to step through those doors. This is a church that looks like a church, not just some building used by congregation. But the people were friendly but not love-bomb friendly. An older lady asked if I would like to sit with her since the children went to Sunday school and I was alone. I sat with her and was just amazed at what the pastor was saying.

    He was talking about all these things that JW's say churches never teach! I was floored. And the service wasn't weird or off the wall. It was very beautiful. Let me just tell you that those first few months of sitting in church I would be overcome with emotion as I was learning new things and cry. JWs have no idea what churches are really like or what they really teach. They convinced their members of how evil they are and when a JW leaves they are still to scared to even think about checking one out.

    I know church isn't for everyone and that there are some negative churches but I think all in all a church can be a beautiful thing and a welcome rest for the soul.

    P.S. Here is the link to my churches website, it has pics of the church if anyone cares to see, I think our church is just beautiful.

  • Newborn

    Dear you

    I'm so happy for you. You've done the right thing!! You'll enjoy your freedom more and more. I recognize myself in your story. Pls tell us more.



  • sacolton

    Now, a very important question I need to put to you after everything you have experienced by attending church and seeing and hearing the evidence ...

    What do you suppose is the real agenda of the Watchtower to get its members to think churches are so demonized? Did you experience anything evil? Fear? What did you feel in your heart? What was the voice that was crying out inside you?

    Just looked at your church website. All I can say is ... welcome to the family of God. You are on the right path.

  • snowbird
    What do you suppose is the real agenda of the Watchtower to get its members to think churches are so demonized?

    Back in 1992, when I was inactive but still in the thralls of WT, I was told that I needed a hysterectomy.

    I casually mentioned it to one of the ladies at work.

    Well, three days before my surgery was due, I was called to the back for something. I went, thinking my boss just wanted to wish me the best.

    The whole group had somehow managed (without my knowledge of anything) to arrange a send-off breakfast for me complete with gifts. I started blubbering as soon as I got through the door.

    These were churchgoers who prayed for and confirmed their love for me.

    I should have sent in my DA letter as soon as I recovered!


  • JW Walking Away
    JW Walking Away
    What do you suppose is the real agenda of the Watchtower to get its members to think churches are so demonized?

    Well simply, Control. JW's are taught that there is nowhere else to go, that churches are full of uncaring people and that they just want your money. That you will spiritually starve to death in church. It's a control tactic to keep member's from leaving the ranks and so the R&F won't get curious enough to investigate for themselves.

    Did you experience anything evil? Fear? What did you feel in your heart? What was the voice that was crying out inside you?

    Nope, never anything evil. The whole experience has been wonderful and very uplifting. Each week I learn something new. Except for the first day I walk through the doors I never experienced fear. I was fearful of attending for the first time but once I made it through the door all that fear washed away. From that first day on I experience joy, peace and love in my heart. I also experience a lot of wonderment, I'm amazed at just how little about God I actually new, and I thought I new it all! I can't really explain the crying. All I know is that I would be overcome with emotion of feeling loved and accepted. Like coming coming home after years of seperation. My heart was full of pain at that time and I didn't realize just how burdened down I had become under the WT until the burden was lifted. The first time I took communion I was bawling,lol.

  • JW Walking Away
    JW Walking Away
    These were churchgoers who prayed for and confirmed their love for me.

    JW's love to teach that church goers don't care for one another or that they fake it. But I have never experienced such genuine care and love as I do now with my church family and other Christians who I meet.

    And this is love that is not conditional either.

  • sacolton
    The first time I took communion I was bawling,lol.

    Yes, the feeling of being born-again. You have accepted the body and blood of Jesus Christ. You found your way home. Congratulations!

  • ninja

    even though your avatar makes you look like a serial killer with that stare.....welcome mrs.....he he.....da ninja......(hiding)

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