Thought I'd properly introduce myself

by JW Walking Away 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW Walking Away
    JW Walking Away
    Wonderful story you've told about your leaving the slavery of the WTBS. to find your newly found happiness. Everyone thats thinking about leaving this high control cult should use your example as a template on how to leave the right way, thanks for sharing your experience and happy Holidays to you and your family............Homey Humanity won again

    Thanks, but I think it was only easy as it was for me cause I did have some support. So many JW's have no one and nowhere to go after they leave so they become lost. This happened to my mom when she got DF. Her whole world was ripped out from under her. All her family and all her life long friends....gone. And since she grew up a JW she never had any real life experience, so didn't have any clue what to do. She became so lost and turned to drugs,alcohol and an abusive marriage. It all caught up with her and she died nearly 6 years ago at the age of 45. All because those who supposedly loved her thought it was better to shun her instead of help her.

  • sacolton

    Great to hear your spirituality wasn't destroyed by the Watchtower organization! I disassociated in Feb '08 after researching the history of the society and their numerous false prophecies and unscriptural doctrines. The elders and PO came over and tried to dance around these issues, but I was firm with the evidence that I showed them. I prayed to God (I no longer call him "Jehovah") to send the Holy Spirit to teach me what is truth. I asked for Jesus Christ to be my Lord, Savior and my God ... and I felt new ... reborn ... uplifted. Cried for many hours asking for forgiveness for being so blind for so long. I'm so glad I never had any influence to steer others into becoming a Jehovah's Witness. I would hate to think I've stumbled someone away from the real Christian gospel. I'm thankful that Jesus Christ can now be my mediator. I am now a witness for Him.

    God bless!

  • cawshun

    So happy your out, it's always encouraging to me to see one more person walk away.

    Welcome and I admire you for helping your sister out in a time of need.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Sorry to hear of what happened to your mother JWA , its circumstances such as this, that illustrates how dangerous of a controlling religious cult

    this can be to individuals. I hope your mother is in a better place now and just maybe she can happily see you've made a better choice for yourself and your family.

    Cheers Homey

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Thanks for sharing your story. It really is amazing. I just don't understand how some JWs can possibly think its ok to abandon your sister when she needs you most.

    Don't they remember the story of the Good Samaritan? The priest and the Levite avoided helping a desperate stranger because touching a dying man would have made them unclean. They felt it was more important to follow their priestly obligations than help others in need.

    I find it interesting that it was a Samaritan who gained Jesus approval in the story. Samaritans were considered apostates by the Israelites and were avoided as such.

  • DanTheMan

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Nobody here is surprised by the uncaring attitude of the elders.

    Without even really knowing why, I decided I no longer wanted to be a JW. So at the beginning of this year I just left, never stepped foot in a kingdom hall again.

    Same thing happened to me around January of 2002. I knew there was something so wrong about JWism, even if I couldn't articulate exactly what it was, I just couldn't stand it any more.

  • Marjorie

    Welcome, J-Walking, and congratulations on taking back control of your life!

    My belief and love for God is stronger and deeper now than ever before

    Without the blinkers and fetters of the Watchtowerites' false religion, your faith and love will continue to blossom and grow.

    Well done.

  • JW Walking Away
    JW Walking Away
    I hope your mother is in a better place now and just maybe she can happily see you've made a better choice for yourself and your family.

    I hope so too, her life was so tormented that it's nice to think she is actually at peace now. I sure hope she was able to find the peace she was searching for. Even on her death bed she was searching for peace. She had asked her JW sister (one of the few times my aunt made the occasion to see her while my mom was dying) and asked if Jehovah would forgive her for all the mistakes she made. My aunts reply "I don't know." That really pissed me off.

  • mcsemike

    To JWWA: It's always nice to see new people here. I've received much help from reading posts, messaging some members, and posting things myself. I'm sure you'll benefit greatly from this forum.

  • JW Walking Away
    JW Walking Away
    Without the blinkers and fetters of the Watchtowerites' false religion, your faith and love will continue to blossom and grow.

    It's amazing how different things are without reading throug the WT filters.

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