Ran into the JW table at San Diego airport...

by Confession 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lancelink

    "What a huge waste of time, energy and my 20's and 30's. I used to get up at 4:00am so I could meet my group at 5:30 -- 30 miles away."

    Oh My God, 4 am for service !!!

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    The really old school witnesses I had the chance to work with, still had the bill board, salesman mentality. One old sister back in 1980 told me to meet her at the train station at 4.30am for service. When I arrived she gave me a stack of old magazines and told me to stand at one entrance and hand them out to people getting on the trains. She stood at another entrance. At 7am we were finished and she said goodbye...she was apart from me the only pioneer in the congregation. I never worked with her again..she scared the ...out of me. I worked with an annointed brother who dashed around in an old sportscar with the goggles and hat..he was funny. He had a battered old briefcase full of old books that he carefully opened and showed to the householder. He had a great plumy voice, good sales pitch. I was amazed...is that it? I thought there would be some great spiritual input, nope...more like. "Dear Madam, please peruse at your leisure one of these magnificent books on our Creators purpose for the earth...only 25pence each 4for one pound. Bingo..sold and back into the sportscar to speed off to the next call. I was totally at a loss as to what to say about my experience working with one of the annointed.

    Chicken little

  • Jim_TX

    Here in San Antonio, TX they are allowed to sit at what are called Information Booths. These are set up in the airport as a Public Service to the community for dispensing free information.

    One of the kiosks has the San Antonio Visitors Bureau, and they are always friendly, wearing their cowboy hats and western 'costumes'. I will always smile at them and engage them in friendly 'hellos' - even though I am from here. They are nice retired folks who usually volunteer to be there at these kiosks.

    The other kiosk - the JW one - is usually occupied be a pair (they always - or nearly always travel in pairs... like Mormons) who just sit behind the counter and very rarely make eye-contact. Their literature is usually spread out - fanned out on the counter top.

    I have occassionally made eye-contact with them, and on the rare occassion when they speak to me, they will ask some JW-like question (you know the ones... "Do you think conditions will ever get better", etc). I usually laugh big at them, and keep walking.

    The one occassion that I tried to give the fella a printout that I had (it was on the U.N. issue a few years ago), he looked down his nose at me, asked what it was, then refused to even touch it.

    Okay. Here's a thought. I couldn't do this, but there are some out there who could.

    Since these kiosks are set up as a Public Service to the community - I think that someone who has had issues with the JWs in the past - like molestation - or other - should approach the airport folks and let them know that they are allowing a group in the airport that supports (or whatever) pedophiles or perverts, etc.

    Get 'em kicked out of the airports.

    Of course... from the JWs perspective... they'll go running thinking that the 'persecution' has started... 'last days'... the big 'A'...


    Jim TX

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I wish we had a 'JW table' here somewhere. I would visit often and see how long that would last. But alas, in out little town of 10,000, there is little chance of that.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    The whole time thing Jerry mentioned, reminded me of the joke of the pioneer who wakes up and the first thing she does is throw a tract out the window to get the time started.

  • insearchoftruth

    Would it be allowable for a group of XJWs to set up an information booth as well.....handing out well presented information, maybe with a small monitor playing some of the videos that V has produced.......

  • OnTheWayOut
    The whole time thing Jerry mentioned, reminded me of the joke of the pioneer who wakes up and the first thing she does is throw a tract out the window to get the time started.

    LOL. You never know where Holy Spirit will guide that tract, so that an experience
    can be told at the next District Convention.

    "I was flying down the road in my convertible early in the morning, hung over from
    too much booze, but needing to get to an important business meeting. Suddenly,
    a sheet of paper smacked into my face. I nearly drove off the road, but I did not.
    I looked at it and realized that I needed 'the truth.' That day, I contacted JW's and
    started learning the truth. I gave up the executive job and clean windows today.
    The convertible wasn't practical for field circus, so once I qualified to preach, I sold
    it and used the money to bulk up the Pedophile Defense Fund."

  • Jim_TX
    "Would it be allowable for a group of XJWs to set up an information booth as well.....handing out well presented information, maybe with a small monitor playing some of the videos that V has produced......."

    Actually... I have seen this... but not for the JWs - for the Mormons.

    A few years ago, here locally, the Mormons built a new 'temple', and dedicated it. During their dedication, they allow outsiders inside to see it in all of its' magnificance.

    I went because my aunt and my cousin are Mormons - and I was curious to see what Mormons do (plus I promised my 95 year old aunt that I'd go - as a favor to her).

    Anyway - when leaving the parking lot, I noticed a table set up - across the street - and a couple of people handing out literature - against the Mormons (but I think they also had some anti-JW literature).

    My cousin - who is a Mormon - made some sort of "I would like to go over there and take ALL of their literature away from them - so they wouldn't have any left to give away..." or somesuch remark.

    I replied that it was good that they were there - giving the other side to things - just like they were also giving out anti-JW literature. (She is dead-set against JWs - and so had to see the point in that...)

    Anyway... folks do it... they just have to get some sort of 'city permit' or whatever. It'd be a refreshing change to see someone at the airport - in a kiosk - opposite the JWs - handing out anti-JW literature.


    Jim TX

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