Ran into the JW table at San Diego airport...

by Confession 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • megawatt

    Good! Glad to hear that they're taking a half ass approach on field service!

  • skeeter1


    Please post this on this thread. My "cut and paste" is broken. (some of you are clapping).


  • oompa
    Confession: Ran into the JW table at San Diego airport...

    Damm confession...i bet that hurt. how fast were you going? hope you were not running.....damm those jw's for putting that table in your way..so sorry man.......oompa

    use lots of ice

  • Confession

    It really was quite pathetic. Both of these JWs appeared to be very pleasant, but Jesus H., they didn't want to say a friggin' word! Just sat and stared. I made sure I acted very favorable toward the publications. (And I was, in a "Cult Museum" sort of way.) I asked how long they'd had a table there. I commented on some of the books, made more agreeable eye contact. Nothing. Not even a "Oh, are you familiar with our publications?" Nada.

    What were they waiting for me to do? Ask when the next baptism opportunity was?

  • mama1119

    I love that they have tables now. Its so girl scout/free kittens of them.

  • Gregor

    How pathetic. Trying to sell everlasting life in a paradise earth like kids with a lemonade stand.

  • Thirdson

    After collecting my bags and with time to kill waiting for my ride I once went up to the desk at MSP airport to talk to the two 'sisters' there. I saw that they were underlining their Watchtowers for the Sunday study. How bad is that! Doing that chore while counting time. 3rd

  • willyloman
    Apparently the actual attempt to reach people in "these last days" is not the aim of this part of their "ministry."

    I was at a college campus for a meeting and walked past a table staffed by an older dub couple. I had 15 minutes to kill and across the plaza was a coffee bar of sorts so I got a cup and sat outside and watched. Several students walked by but the couple just sat there. After a few minutes I realized the woman, who was looking down the whole time, was actually reading a magazine! The man appeared to try to make eye contact with students but none of them slowed down or stopped.

    Afterwards, I walked outside with the woman I had the meeting with. The dubs were still there. I asked if many religious groups came on campus to prosletyze and was told this was a "free speech' area and anyone who filled out a permit could set up a table and dispense literature there. We talked a little bit and I was told they were on campus almost every week when classes were in session, and generally stayed there all day. To get a permit, they had to agree not to walk around and approach students but to stay at their assigned table and let interested students approach them.

    Apparently this was acceptable to them, because it meant they could sit and read all day and then report a bunch of hours! I figured them for a couple of pioneers, of course.

  • sir82
    I figured them for a couple of pioneers, of course.


    In one of my previous congregations, we had a similar setup at the local community college, but only one day a week. Competition was fierce among the pioneers for those easy hours.

    We finally had to draw up a schedule so that everybody got their "fair share". And "regular" publishers need not apply!

  • donny

    I have seen the same setup at the San Jose airport nearly everytime I go there. It's a 50'ish man and woman sitting at a fold out table with the lastest light from the WTBTS. Last year I did say to them "I have done a little reading on your organization and I am curious. What was the Society teaching between 1914 and 1919 that chose Jesus to choose them as the Faithful Slave". The man just looked at me and replied "That's a good one" laughed and then directed me to write to the Society and ask them. If I had not been in a rush, I would have tried to converse more.

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