I Caused a Complete Seen at the Bookstudy Tonight...

by cognac 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    Cognac, hello again. When you are preg., towards the end of the pregnancy, they SHOULD screen you for Group B Strep. My son came within inches of death from that, and it is very preventable as a c.o.d. if the hospital knows you are a carrier. Make sure your doc screens you for it-even if you have to pay(ins. should cover it). Most of the rest of it will just make you miserable like anyone else with a cold.

    When did our country get to be so workaholic and results focused that we no longer need to be considerate of others when we are sick? Did you need to make a 'scene' at the meeting? I don't know. But I do know that you should be free to go to the head elder guy and mention that maybe it is time for a reminder to people who are sick or know they are getting sick to stay home until they are well-for their own sake and that of all their brothers and sisters. Tis the season and all that, and there is talk that this year the flu will be very difficult(ok, that is the rumor every year, and it is harsh!). Elderly people and people with cancer or chronic illness do not need to be exposed to people who are ill with colds, flu, and childhood diseases.

    You be as paranoid as you want with this baby, take your vitamins, eat really good foods, and do all the good stuff that preg. women should do. Like in the evenings, sit on a comfortable chair with your feet up and a glass of fruit juice and a bowl of popcorn. This will preclude meeting attendance, since comfort is not a priority there. . . might as well figure out how to use the remote:)Yes, I have only recently mastered the new 'system' of electronic things in my house! I am 42 and electronics averse.

  • cameo-d
    What are you gonna do, cause a scene in the supermarket if someone with a cold passes you by in an aisle??

    Minimus, There's a big difference in passing by someone in a large building of circulating air and being cooped up with a sneezer in a small intimate group where the air is stiffled.

    Cognac, I think Wingman just gave you a good fade ticket. Let them just think you are grumpy and paranoid to come out. After a while maybe they will just think you are eccentric and over protective. They will still love you and excuse you. And you can have a lovely evening by the fire knitting booties while your husband goes out to make the appearance for the both of you. And of course, when baby comes, he will be "too delicate" to go out as well.

    And the old geezer sneezer...well, maybe you helped him with a fade idea. Maybe he will call in sick more often now.

  • OnTheWayOut
    The problem is, no matter where you are, people will be sick. They'll go to school sick, work sick and church sick. Causing a "complete" scene will only make people think you're overly emotional.

    I rarely admit that I agree with Minimus. (I do agree with him often, but rarely admit it.)
    No point in making a scene over the sniffles or something like that. Avoid the person,
    even go as far as saying, "I am pregnant, you need to keep your distance."

    The kids with the chicken pox, that's not right. Of course a flu or something more serious
    should be isolated and avoid the hall.

    The solution- don't go to the hall UNLESS you are sick. That way, healthy ones won't
    catch anything at the hall because they aren't there.

  • anewme

    If what you said was the complete transcript of the conversation between you and the book study people, then you did not create a bad scene.
    You stated your feelings and did the right thing to leave and take care of your child.

    Im sure the brother who came with a cold is not an a--hole, nor is his wife.

    Your feelings were legitimate. They will think about what you said.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    She is Pregnant so can make a scene if she want's to.....she has a "get out of jail free card" from me.

    And sick people who don't stay home should be drowned in disinfectant....only Superman should be a "hero."

  • sf

    So, if I'm being completely insane about this, I really don't care. I'm just being protective of my baby.

    You are kidding, right?

    Protecting your baby from this DEADLY organization should be number one on your priority list woman.

    Taking your children, born or still in the oven, any where near these INSANE people and their DEADLY policies is...

    I N S A N I T Y. What else would you call It?

    So yes, you ARE insane. Period.

    Haha, you jws think this world owes you special treatment or something when you CONTINUE to put the lives of your children at risk just by being in this DEATHTRAP of a man-made "religion". Forget about germs lady. You should be concerned with much more.

    Shame on you. Shame on all of you.

    Worrying about germs trumps dead WT KIDS that you all continue to allow to go on day by day?

    Pardon me while I burst into a wicked laugh. LOLOLOL!

    Your unvorn child has no clue that you are worried more about germs than the deadly policies that may, one day, effect its life, governed by you and your leaders.

    Today is my daughters birthday. Thanks for this thread that shows just where your heart LIES. It makes my heart hurt for your childs.

    Do the best thing you will ever do for that child...stop pretending.

    Harsh? Absolutely.


  • IHaveADream

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, Cognac. Too bad this Org. that claims to be known for the love they have among themselves cannot show enough common sense to stay home and take care of themselves when they are sick, much less possibly inflicting their illness upon others.

    I wish I would have been pregnant when I was attending the meetings. It would have just given me another great excuse to stay home. As it was, I literally got up and walked out of so many meetings and assemblies that I have probably set a record that should be put in the Guinness Book of World Records. Ah, how I do NOT miss the meetings and all the stupid, inane comments and behaviors that occurred during them.

    Enjoy that precious little one when it arrives!

  • mouthy

    Cognac, there is tremendous pressure on witnesses to go to the meetings when they are sick.

    Yes !That is true. We were told NOTHING should stop our meeting attendence unless we were dying
    They need the count, I wonder they dont dig a few bodies up, the ones that died from not taking organ transplants ( until Jehovah changed his mind & allowed them)& stick em in the meeting after all they should count.

  • orangefatcat


    Congratulations about the little one to come.

    I too am like yourself, who wants to be around oafs that are spreading sneezing, wheezing, coughing, germs all over the place. I missed a lot of meetings due to sickness over the years and was looked down on for it. But I don't believe in giving others my illness.

    I must admitt that I have had a chronic cough for years and I can't shake it. The doctors are now concerned. I have asthma bad. I may because of that. But at any time I can just spontaniously start coughing and can't control it. In May 2007 I had a rare form of pnemonia was in the hospital 11 days. I have a very weak immunity system. I don't think that the witnesses ever cared about how sick I was with this chronic cough, they just wanted me at meetings and service. I could be ready to fall flat on my face but so long as Iwas at meetings and service they were happy. But then I said no more I am not going out when I am sick like this I don't want people sick near me and I don't want to give people my sickness should I be ill.

    it is only common courtesy.

    I always have a handkerchief with me and some halls and purell to wash my hands.

    I am glad you stuck up for yourself and your unborn baby, you had every right and I am proud of you. You go girl.


  • cognac

    Hey Skally,

    I'm not raising my kid in this religion. I miss most meetings. You are right.

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