I Caused a Complete Seen at the Bookstudy Tonight...

by cognac 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw

    FYI - People are the most contagious before their symptoms start and the 48 - 72 hours after the start of symptoms. Tis the season for colds and flu and unless you are planning on not going grocery shopping, to the mall, movies or even just outside period you will be exposed.

    The immune system is built by being exposed unless you have a compromised immune system, like Cancer, going through Chemo, HIV/AIDS. Your unborn child is protected by your immune systems and if you've been healthy all along there is no reason you should have a compromised immune system now. Of course I wounldn't intentionally expose myself to someone with a fever or severe illness but day to day exposure to people who don't even know they are sick is going to happen.

    Congratulations by the way I had no idea you were pregnant.


  • reniaa

    Go back to your doctor tell him about the episode he maybe able to reasure you, avoiding people with coughs and colds is hard to almost impossible this time of year. If you tell him you are regularily around large groups of people he could maybe tell you to avoid them officially because of your low immune system.

    I had a life threatening disease during my last pregancy but unrelated to the pregancy and my doctor was able to reasure me the baby was well protected from my very ill self which really comforted me, now I have a bubbly healthy 7 month old thats rolls everywere :S

    it also sounds like a little pre-natal depression not many people realise you can get it before as well as after pregnancy.

    Take care


  • blondie

    I know a sister who brought her children to the KH with contagious chicken pox.........all the other kids at the KH got it.

  • Finally-Free
    Sorry this sounds so harsh, but the entire attitude of the minority telling the majority what to do sickens me.

    It sickens me too. The majority of people know better than to go out in public when they're contagious, but evidently you are too bloody stupid to grasp such a simple concept.


  • Robert7

    To be fair, in my congregation they used to always say that if you're contagious, stay home. This was under the premise that you don't want to infect many others causing them to miss meetings too.

    So for me, being sick (even mildly sick) was the golden ticket to stay home!

  • StAnn
    St.Anne, getting sick at school is a given but when one is small, fighting there lil sniffs, snivels and such actually held build your immune stronger

    Loubelle, my kids are medically fragile. They are immune compromised. If getting sick at school is a given, I guess we'll have to take them back out and homeschool them again.


  • minimus

    I suggest you stay home, period!

    People are sick everywhere, and they might not even know it until full blown symptoms rear its ugly head.

    What are you gonna do, cause a scene in the supermarket if someone with a cold passes you by in an aisle??

  • Finally-Free
    What are you gonna do, cause a scene in the supermarket if someone with a cold passes you by in an aisle??

    Damn, now I'll be checking all of my fresh produce for evidence of phlegm...

    True, you can't eliminate all risks of catching a cold or flu. That's unrealistic. But a person who is ill and contagious should avoid making unnecessary contact with people. Buying groceries is necessary. Sitting in a confined book study with a dozen other people when ill is not. Touching people with a hand you've just coughed into is just gross.

    In my work I touch the keyboards and mice of a lot of people, and used to get sick a lot. Since I started using an antibacterial hand sanitizer I rarely get sick. I can remember having only 2 mild colds in the last 5 years, and no fevers.


  • minimus

    I once told a (sweet) sister who was OBVIOUSLY ill to think of others and not stay in the Hall, as she was sneezing and coughing up a storm. She was amazed, that I, as an elder, was asking her to go home because of her obvious condition (which actually involved her going to the doctor's, recieving medication and being confined for 2 weeks). I'm not talking about sniffles and a cold.

    The problem is, no matter where you are, people will be sick. They'll go to school sick, work sick and church sick. Causing a "complete" scene will only make people think you're overly emotional.

  • Finally-Free
    Causing a "complete" scene will only make people think you're overly emotional.

    True enough, and it's pointless to cause a scene over every slight, real or imagined. I raised hell with the particular elder at my mom's BS because he and his family were notorious for refusing to see doctors when ill, and coming to meetings. They were very "touchy-feely" and always touched people within minutes of coughing and sneezing into their hands. People often complained about this family, but always behind their backs. I saw this go on for years before I finally said something, and that was because my mom was already ill enough without their bringing their flus into the house.

    I think the best protection against colds and flus is to wash often, eat properly, and get plenty of rest. I get flu shots too.


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